[smartmontools-support] 回复: smartctl error on ESXi 6.7

Justin WuB justin.wu.b at outlook.com
Mon Jun 5 03:34:56 CEST 2023

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the detail reply! I understand the situation now.

Never mind! I figured out that esxcli can return some SMART info of the NVME drive which help me understand the NVME status.

esxcli nvme device log smart get --adapter=vmhba1

SMART And Health Info:

   Available Spare Space Below Threshold: false

   Temperature Warning: false

   NVM Subsystem Reliability Degradation: false

   Read Only Mode: false

   Volatile Memory Backup Device Failure: false

   Composite Temperature: 324 K

   Available Spare: 100 %

   Available Spare Threshold: 10 %

   Percentage Used: 0 %

   Data Units Read: 0x150d580

   Data Units Written: 0x9d9ba5

   Host Read Commands: 0x5ab259c2

   Host Write Commands: 0xf15cd5c

   Controller Busy Time: 0x34c

   Power Cycles: 0xd

   Power On Hours: 0x1f16

   Unsafe Shutdowns: 0xb

   Media Errors: 0x0

   Number of Error Info Log Entries: 0x0

   Warning Composite Temperature Time: 0 Mins

   Critical Composite Temperature Time: 0 Mins

   Temperature Sensor 1: 324 K

   Temperature Sensor 2: 341 K

   Temperature Sensor 3: 354 K

   Temperature Sensor 4: 0 K

   Temperature Sensor 5: 0 K

   Temperature Sensor 6: 0 K

   Temperature Sensor 7: 0 K

   Temperature Sensor 8: 0 K

发件人: Christian Franke <Christian.Franke at t-online.de>
发送时间: 2023年6月5日 1:21
收件人: Justin WuB <justin.wu.b at outlook.com>
抄送: smartmontools-support at listi.jpberlin.de <smartmontools-support at listi.jpberlin.de>
主题: Re: [smartmontools-support] smartctl error on ESXi 6.7

Justin WuB wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Is there a latest version of smartmontools for ESX host, like 7.3.1?

Our FAQ entry says "No" and this is (AFAIK) still the case for any
version of ESXi.

I don't expect that this situation will change in the future. Please see
the mail thread "Getting smartctl for ESXi/VMWare":


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