[smartmontools-support] smartctl fails but badblocks succeeds

Alex mysqlstudent at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 23:29:31 CEST 2022

I have an older WD1502FAEX 1.5TB disk that fails a smartctl short and long
test at virtually the same place on the disk with a read error. However,
running badblocks over the same place on the disk where smartctl fails has
no problem, even after multiple read/write passes.

Which test do I believe? Is this a reliable disk?

If they're just read errors, isn't there some mechanism to relocate those
bad sectors or just mark them as unusable and move on?

This disk is being tested on another system or I otherwise would have
provided more actual output here. Please let me know if there's something
specific I can provide to help determine how I should proceed.
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