[Postfixbuch-users] Sender address rejected: not owned by user

Timm Schneider t.schneider at tms-itdienst.at
Mo Aug 11 16:01:31 CEST 2014

Hallo Uwe,

habe das hier bei mir gefunden:

lsrv04:~ # tail -f /var/log/messages
2014-08-11T15:54:49.991497+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1581]:
pam_unix(smtp:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=
ruser= rhost=
2014-08-11T15:54:51.921258+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1581]: DEBUG:
auth_pam: pam_authenticate failed: User not known to the underlying
authentication module
2014-08-11T15:54:51.924549+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1581]: do_auth
 : auth failure: [user=jimmy] [service=smtp] [realm=lsrv04] [mech=pam]
[reason=PAM auth error]
2014-08-11T15:54:52.089850+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1579]:
pam_unix(smtp:auth): check pass; user unknown
2014-08-11T15:54:52.091443+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1579]:
pam_unix(smtp:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=
ruser= rhost=
2014-08-11T15:54:53.765222+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1579]: DEBUG:
auth_pam: pam_authenticate failed: User not known to the underlying
authentication module
2014-08-11T15:54:53.768262+02:00 lsrv04 saslauthd[1579]: do_auth
 : auth failure: [user=jimmy] [service=smtp] [realm=lsrv04] [mech=pam]
[reason=PAM auth error]

TMS IT-Dienst
Hinterstadt 2
4840 Vöcklabruck(VB)
T(AT).+43.720.501 078(kostenlos per ENUM erreichbar)
T(DE).+49.89.721010 77792
T(CH).+41.32.510 9875
F.+43.720.501 078 57
Das Stammzertifikat finden Sie unter www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3

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