[Postfixbuch-users] Mails werden nicht auf Spams gescannt SpamAss./Postfix/Amavis/Clamav

A. Soeldner listen at lxserv.de
Mi Jan 18 20:17:15 CET 2006

Am Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:27:33 +0100
Jim Knuth <jk at jkart.de> schrieb:

> Heute (18.01.2006/19:10 Uhr) schrieb A. Soeldner (postfixbuch-users at listi.jpberlin.de),
> > Soweit geht (fast) alles, ausser das keine Mails ueber den SA
> > gehen. Es werden auch keine Eintraege in den Mail-Headern
> > erzeugt.Und in den logs finde ich auch nichts, ausser in der
> > amavis.log: ANTI-SPAM  code NOT loaded
> > Ich suche mir einen Wolf und finde einfach nicht den
> > Fehler.Ich weiss einfach nicht wo ich ansetzen soll. Bin fuer
> > jeden Tipp dankbar. Da ich auch weiss das die meisten
> > Glaskugeln von Euch entweder kaputt oder gerade verliehen sind,
> > schreibt mir bitte welche Infos ihr eventuell benoetigt um mir helfen zu koennen.  ;-)
> debug von amavis, bzw. amavisd.conf die Zeilen
> # @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1);  # uncomment to DISABLE anti-virus code
> # @bypass_spam_checks_maps  = (1);  # uncomment to DISABLE anti-spam code
waren beide mit # 
Im Mail-Header wird/wurde angezeigt:
X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new-20030616-p10 (Debian) at

Diese Optionen sind (u.a.) gesetzt: 

$sa_local_tests_only = 1; 
@local_domains_acl = ( ".$mydomain" );  # $mydomain and its subdomains

 code (e.g. if you only want to do spam scanning).
# @bypass_spam_checks_acl  = qw( . );  # uncomment to DISABLE anti-spam
code @bypass_spam_checks_acl  = qw( . );    # No default dependency on
spamassassin # This affects inserting spam-related headers for local
recipients, # $notify_spam_sender_templ =
read_text('/var/amavis/notify_spam_sender.txt'); #
$notify_spam_admin_templ  =
read_text('/var/amavis/notify_spam_admin.txt'); # (only virus controls
are shown, spam controls work the same way): # Equivalent flow diagram
applies for spam checks. # If a virus is detected, spam checking is
skipped entirely. #            Best suited for sendmail milter,
especially for spam. $final_spam_destiny       = D_REJECT;  # (defaults
to D_REJECT) # Alternatives to consider for spam: # and D_PASS made
settings $warnvirussender and $warnspamsender only still # Notify spam
sender? #$warnspamsender = 1;   # (defaults to false (undef))
# equivalent to $virus_admin, but for spam admin notifications:
# $spam_admin = "spamalert\@$mydomain";
# $spam_admin = undef;    # do not send spam admin notifications
(default) # $spam_admin = {'not.example.com' => '', '.' =>
'spamalert at example.com'}; #$mailfrom_notify_spamadmin =
"spam.police\@$mydomain"; # $hdrfrom_notify_spamadmin =
$mailfrom_notify_spamadmin; #   (defaults to:
$mailfrom_notify_spamadmin) #$spam_quarantine_method  =
"local:spam-%b-%i-%n";  # default #$spam_quarantine_method  =
"bsmtp:$QUARANTINEDIR/spam-%b-%i-%n.bsmtp"; #
$virus_quarantine_to/$spam_quarantine_to. It may be a simple scalar
string, # The value of scalar $virus_quarantine_to/$spam_quarantine_to
(or a # Some of the predefined aliases are 'virus-quarantine' and
'spam-quarantine'. # Setting $virus_quarantine_to ($spam_quarantine_to)
to this string will: # similar for spam $spam_quarantine_to =
'spam-quarantine'; #$spam_quarantine_to = "spam-quarantine\@$mydomain";
#$spam_quarantine_to = new_RE(                 # per-recip multiple
quarantines #  [qr'^(.*)@example\.com$'i => 'spam-${1}@example.com'],
#  [qr/.*/                   => 'spam-quarantine'] );
# similar to $spam_quarantine_to, but the lookup key is the sender
address: #$spam_quarantine_bysender_to = undef;   # dflt: no by-sender
spam quarantine #$remove_existing_spam_headers = 0;     # leave
existing X-Spam* headers alone $remove_existing_spam_headers  = 1;
# remove existing spam headers if # spam scanning is enabled (default)
# set $bypass_decode_parts to true if you only do spam scanning, or if
you # and spam messages fake sender address. To achieve selective
filtering # spam scanning, banned names/types, and headers_checks
control counterparts: #   %spam_lovers, @spam_lovers_acl,
$spam_lovers_re #
%bypass_spam_checks/@bypass_spam_checks_acl/$bypass_spam_checks_re #
The following example disables spam checking altogether, #
@bypass_spam_checks_acl = qw( . ); #
$spam_lovers{lc("postmaster\@$mydomain")} = 1; #
$spam_lovers{lc('postmaster at example.com')} = 1; #
$spam_lovers{lc('abuse at example.com')} = 1; # @spam_lovers_acl =
qw( !.example.com ); # $spam_lovers_re =
new_RE( qr'^user at example\.com$'i ); # don't run spam check for these
RECIPIENT domains: #   @bypass_spam_checks_acl = qw( d1.com .d2.com
a.d3.com ); #   @bypass_spam_checks_acl =
qw( !d1.com !.d2.com !a.d3.com . ); # a practical application: don't
check outgoing mail for spam: #   @bypass_spam_checks_acl =
( "!.$mydomain", "." ); # If you decide to pass viruses (or spam) to
certain recipients using the # the variable $addr_extension_virus
($addr_extension_spam) to some # not be receiving viruses/spam.
Recipients who do not match lookup tables # $addr_extension_spam   =
'spam';      # (default is undef, same as empty) #
$addr_extension_spam). E.g. recipient address <user at example.com> gets
changed # regardless of $addr_extension_virus and $addr_extension_spam
settings. # (affects spam checking only, has no effect on virus and
other checks) # senders even if the message would be recognized as
spam. Effectively, for # the specified senders, message recipients
temporarily become 'spam_lovers'. # the tag2-level header fields
(X-Spam-*, Subject), appending spam address # Effectively, for messages
from blacklisted senders, spam level # is artificially pushed high, and
the normal spam processing applies, # reactions to spam, including
possible rejection. If the message nevertheless # still passes (e.g.
for spam loving recipients), it is tagged as BLACKLISTED # in the
'X-Spam-Status' header field, but the reported spam value and # is
delivered to recipients, but is not tagged as spam (X-Spam-Flag: No; #
X-Spam-Status: No, ...), but the reported spam level (if computed) may
# still indicate high spam score. # spam scanning (calling the
SpamAssassin) is bypassed, saving on time. # NOTE: This is not a
reliable way of turning off spam checks for #       To reliably avoid
spam-scanning outgoing mail, #       use @bypass_spam_checks_acl . #
'user2 at my.example.com'=>[qw( spammer at d1.example,org .d2.example,org )],
# Timout for SpamAssassin. This is only used if spamassassin does NOT #
AWL (auto whitelisting), requires spamassassin 2.44 or better # (less
than 1% of spam is > 64k) $sa_tag_level_deflt  = 4.0; # add spam info
headers if at, or above that level $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 6.3; # add
'spam detected' headers at that level $sa_kill_level_deflt =
$sa_tag2_level_deflt; # triggers spam evasive actions
$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 10;  # spam level beyond which a DSN is not
sent, $sa_spam_subject_tag = '***TEST-SPAM*** ';      # (defaults to
undef, disabled) # (only seen when spam is not to be rejected
#$sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1; # may be a ref to a lookup table, default
is true #$sa_spam_modifies_subj = [qw( !user at example.com . )];


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