[Grundeinkommen-Info] Wtr.: Socio-Economic Review proposes Basic Income as one part of solution to current crises.
jahnjepw at freenet.de
jahnjepw at freenet.de
Fr Apr 9 13:40:31 CEST 2010
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Subject: Socio-Economic Review proposes Basic Income as one part of solution to current crises.
Date: Fr 09 Apr 2010 13:35:14 CEST
From: "Sean Healy,Social Justice Ireland"<seanhealy at seanhealy.com>
Social Justice Irelandâs Socio-Economic Review for 2010 entitled âAn Agenda for a New Ireland', advocates the introduction of a Basic Income system as part of the solution to the many crises that Ireland faces today. The Review provides an alternative narrative to the one currently guiding policy development and public discourse on how Ireland came to be in its current situation, where it is now, where it ought to go in the future and how it might get there.
This Review is now available free of charge on line. A printed version can also be purchased. For details check the website: http://www.socialjustice.ie/ ,
The Review argues that:
1. Irelandâs policy-making for more than a decade was guided by many false assumptions concerning economic growth, taxation, services and infrastructure.
2. Many policy failures arose from these false assumptions.
3. These policy failures produced much of the current series of crises that Ireland is facing.
4. These crises have been exacerbated by persevering with failed policies and false assumptions.
5. Ireland needs a new vision to guide policy development and decision-making if it is to move beyond the curre! nt series of crises. The Review sets out four core values that should underpin a guiding vision for Ireland in the years ahead. These are human dignity, sustainability, equality/human rights and the commongood.
6. These values lead to key policy priorities for moving Ireland towards a desirable alternative vision and spells out the details.
Each section of the Review can be downloaded separately. The complete 250-page book can also be downloaded as a unit.
The Basic Income issue is addressed in Chapter 3.1 which addresses the issue of Income.
All comments, critiques and responses are welcome as always.
With all best wishes and kind regards,
Seán Healy, Director, Social Justice Ireland, Tel: 35312130724; Web: http://www.socialjustice.ie/
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