[FoME] New study: Few winners, many losers: the COVID-19 pandemic’s dramatic and unequal impact on independent news media

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Do Nov 12 09:19:53 CET 2020

Few winners, many losers: the COVID-19 pandemic’s dramatic and unequal
impact on independent news media Key Findings ↑

This report presents findings from an analysis of 165 responses to a
survey of a strategic sample of known and identified independent news
media organisations on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted them,
combined with interviews with a critical sample of seven independent
news media operating in middle income countries with some or significant
limitations on media freedom across the globe. The bulk of the survey
responses were collected from June to August 2020.
Key findings include:
Audience reach up for most: a clear majority of independent news media
who responded to our survey say that their overall audience reach has
increased during the COVID-19 crisis, though almost a fifth of
respondents (primarily print newspapers) report that their overall
audience reach has declined.
Revenues down for most: 22% of respondents expect a significant (1–20%)
drop in their 2020 revenues, 21% a very significant (21–30%) drop, and
worryingly more than a third (36%) severe drops of 30% or more. 14% of
respondents report they expect stable or evengrowing revenues in 2020.
Variable impact: among our respondents, commercial news media are
hardest hit by the crisis, especially those that are advertising-based,
as well as newspapers and local media. These are parts of the news
industry often already severely challenged by the move to a digital,
mobile, and platform-dominated media environment.
Who are doing well? The respondents who expect stable or even growing
revenues are often smaller online newsrooms, some of them non-profits.
While typically smaller than the traditional mainstays of the industry,
these independent news media often invest a far larger share of their
operating cost in their newsroom. (See the case studies for more details
on how some such organisations are navigating the crisis.)
What kind of support would be beneficial? The most widely named kinds
are funding support (84%), product development and innovation support
(61%), and technical training in digital media skills (39%). (See the
case studies for more details on different perspectives on what support
could help.)
What is the single most important kind of support sought? Funding
support is named most important by 65% of respondents. (See the case
studies for details on frequent requests for long-term investment rather
than project funding and small cash grants.)

The study is available under:
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