[FoME] Research and Film Dossier on Media and Corona in Arab countries
Richter, Carola
Carola.Richter at fu-berlin.de
Fr Nov 13 12:30:30 CET 2020
Dear FoME members,
We would like to make you aware of a
*****Research and Film Dossier on Media and Corona in Arab countries*****
The dossier has been produced by scholars of the Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers: http://www.areacore.org
The outbreak of COVID-19 has not only led to a major public health crisis globally, restricted our mobility and affected our economic and political infrastructure, it also has impacted the media sector. We are only beginning to grapple with the immediate and long-term effects on media systems, journalism practices and freedom of expression. While dominant Western scholarship observes the current trends in Europe and North America, little is systematically gathered of what happens in countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). There are alarming trends in some countries, though, such as restrictions on articulating opinions, financial problems of many media houses, but also a rising need for and appreciation of unbiased information.
In order to monitor these dynamics, we set up a "Dossier on Media and Corona" that you can find here: http://www.areacore.org/dossier-media-corona/
It contains links to country-specific publications mainly in the MENA region in English and Arabic (including English abstracts).
To give authentic insights, AREACORE partners have also produced short videos:
---Morocco: http://www.areacore.org/the-moroccan-media-in-times-of-corona/
---Oman: http://www.areacore.org/ims/oman/media-and-coronavirus-pandemic-in-oman/
---Jordan: http://www.areacore.org/ims/jordan/the-jordanian-floyd/
---Egypt: http://www.areacore.org/ims/egypt/the-media-and-corona-in-egypt/
---Yemen: http://www.areacore.org/ims/yemen/yemen-corona-war-x-war/
The dossier is a living document, so we are updating it constantly. If you have an article or publication to add, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact form: http://www.areacore.org/contact/contact-form/
Prof. Dr. Carola Richter
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Garystr. 55, Zimmer 267
14195 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-838 58898
Fax: +49-30-838 58804
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