[FoME] Impact of media support projects - Swiss Agency for Development
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Fr Jan 10 11:39:55 CET 2020
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Hinweis von unserem Mitglied Prof. Christoph Spurk über eine von ihm mit
durchgeführte Studie zur Wirkung von Medienprojekten weiter. Die Studie
wurde im November 2019 veröffentlicht. Sollte der eine oder die andere
unter Ihnen am Design für ein neues Medienentwicklungsprojekt sitzen -
hier finden Sie sicher gute Anregungen:
How do media support projects really work, what impact can they achieve?
This question is central to a new study, mandated by Swiss Development
cooperation, and now published.
The study “The Use of Theories of Change in Media and Governance
Programs” has looked into
Theories of Change used in various selected programmes by different
donors and implementers (Swiss Development Cooperation, Fondation
Hirondelle, BBC Media Action, Free Press Unlimited, Deutsche Welle
_Empirical_research studies on effects media have really achieved in
terms of political interest, knowledge, and attitude change.
The study has found out that there are different models of Theories of
Change and that donors and implementers use models that are similar to
the Logframe. This is in contrast to the original “causal” model of
Theories of Change, which proposes to use a detailed chain of
interlocking elements to formulate the Theory of Change (“result
chain”). Different projects can show various and specific detailed
result chains.
The study also shows that empirical research on media effects has proven
that media set the public agenda, and that quality media raise political
interest. However, the connection between media exposure and political
participation depend on many other factors and is so far not crystal
clear. Nevertheless, empirical studies in developing countries are still
lacking, especially on radio, especially in Africa.
The study concludes that using result chains would help media projects
to produce realistic expectations. The insights from empirical research
can help to be more realistic. Result chains could also help to conduct
impact evaluations. Finally, the study provides examples of realistic
result chains for different media support approaches.
Links for download
Dr. Friederike von Franqué
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