[FoME] Interlink Academy: Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2019
Werner Eggert
werner.eggert at interlink.academy
Mi Aug 22 14:24:23 CEST 2018
Dear Colleagues and Friends
As you might know, the Interlink Academy together with Netzwerk Recherche
will be the local organizer of the 11th Global Investigative Journalism
Conference (GIJC19) in Hamburg. We are currently encouraging players in the
field of media development to discuss with us options for co-operations and
collaborations. For example in inviting investigative journalists from
low-income countries to attend the GIJC19.
For those of you who are not familiar with the GIJC19: the conference has
the character of a training and networking event and we expect more than
1200 participants from all over the world. In more than 200 workshops,
globally leading investigative journalists will present their work, share
their experience and introduce the participants to the latest research
methods and tools. The website of the previous GIJC17 in Johannesburg might
give you an impression of the concept: https://gijc2017.org/.
The GIJC19 will take place from 25-29 September 2019. The conference
language will be English.
Please take note that this is NOT a call for papers; that will follow at a
later stage.
Please contact me at Werner.Eggert at Interlink.Academy
<mailto:Werner.Eggert at Interlink.Academy> for more information.
Best wishes,
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