[FoME] WG: Request/ Job at Meydan TV/ Admin and Financial assistant in Berlin

Christian Mihr | Reporter ohne Grenzen Christian.Mihr at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de
Mi Feb 25 11:22:47 CET 2015


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Emin Milli [mailto:eminmilli at meydan.tv] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015 10:51
Betreff: Request/ Job at Meydan TV/ Admin and Financial assistant in Berlin

Dear friends,

Please, spread this Stellenausschreibung among your friends and people you know in Germany (please, see the attachments in German or in
English) who would be interested in this position.

We are looking for a person who could work at Meydan TV in Berlin as administrative and finance assistant.

We are having difficulties in finding the right person for this position.



Emin Milli
Director, Meydan TV
Tel: +49 (0)15236425334
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