[FoME] Joburg Radio Days 2014

Nora Thoma nora at fesmedia.org
Mo Mai 19 16:29:53 CEST 2014

Dear all,

Please find attached information to the fifth edition of Joburg Radio Days
planned for July 2 - 4 at the University of the Witwatersrand in
Johannesburg. The event, hosted by the Wits Radio Academy, brings together
practitioners from all sectors of radio: commercial, public and community
radio, from South Africa and the rest of the continent. Aimed at everybody
with an interest in radio, from station manager to junior producer, the
event brings leading radio thinkers from around the world to Joburg, who
take participants to the cutting edge of ideas, concepts and new trends.


Enjoy the read.


Nora Thoma 

Programme Officer

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

fesmedia Africa


P.O. Box 23652




Switchboard Tel: +264-61-417500 

Direct Tel.: +264-61-417527 

Fax.:+264-61-237 441

 <http://www.fesmedia-africa.org/> www.fesmedia-africa.org      




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