[FoME] Vacancies Communication Officers United Nations University, Bonn

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Do Aug 16 15:53:03 CEST 2012

1. Bonn, Germany - United Nations University - Communications Unit,
Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU-ViE) 
Reference Number: 2012/UNU/ViE/FTA/ICO/18 
Applications to: hrbonn at vie.unu.edu 
Closing Date: 17 August 2012 
UNU-ViE is an integral part of the Rector's office and the first Vice
Rectorate of UNU outside the headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Established
in May 2007 in Bonn, UNU-ViE aims at strengthening institutional growth
of UNU in the world with particular emphasis on Europe and Africa. A
further task is dedicated to capacity development in developing and
emerging countries and to assist the establishment of UNU “Twin”

2. Programme Implementation and Communications Officer (P-2)
Closing Date: 31 August 2012
The UN-Water Decade Programme Office has been founded to strengthen the
activities of the more than two dozen UN organizations and programmes
already co-operating within the inter-agency mechanism known as
UN-Water, and to add value and facilitate the activities of the UN-Water
members and support them in their efforts to achieve the millennium
goals related to water. This is not just a matter of capacity
development related to water, but also of education, training and
institutional development. Reporting to the Director of UNW-DPC and in
collaboration with the Programme Officers and other staff, the main
duties and responsibilities of the Communications and Programme Support
Officer include:

3. Communications Internship - IHDP 
International Human Dimensions Programme IHDP is a joint programme of
the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social
Science Council (ISSC) and the United Nations University (UNU). As
international and interdisciplinary science programme IHDP Is dedicated
to promoting, catalysing and coordinating research, capacity-development
and networking on the human dimensions of global environmental change.
The IHDP Secretariat is hosted and administered by UNU at the United
Nations Campus in Bonn, Germany. 
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT – Communications Internship 
The IHDP Secretariat is seeking an intern for its Communications
Department for a period of at least two months, preferably starting 15
September 2012. 
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Christoph Dietz 
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany 
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14 
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33 
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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