[FoME] Fwd: The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is Recruiting a Director

Christian Mihr mihr at n-ost.org
Di Dez 6 10:46:14 CET 2011

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is Recruiting a 
Datum: 	Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:19:58 +0000
Von: 	International Budget Partnership
Antwort an: 	International Budget Partnership >
An: 	Christian Mihr

  The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is Recruiting a Director

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is a donor collaborative 
committed to strengthening democracy and development through empowering 
citizens to hold their governing institutions to account. The Director 
role requires an individual with a proven ability to lead teams, 
interact with high-level stakeholders, and deliver results. Candidates 
should possess exceptional interpersonal skills, especially 
communications and relationship management. An ability to work 
independently and perform as a self-starter who can take initiative with 
minimal supervision is essential, as is an ability to work under 
pressure and on a range of tasks and meeting deadlines.

To read the position announcement, 

To Apply:

Please email resume, cover letter and writing sample before Monday 2 
January 2012, to: recruitment-EE at osf-eu.org 
<mailto:recruitment-EE at osf-eu.org?subject=TAID>. Include job code in 
subject line: *TAID*

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