[FoME] FoME Symposium 2011 - Einladung
Helmut.Osang at dw-world.de
Helmut.Osang at dw-world.de
Do Aug 11 14:31:09 CEST 2011
Dear FoME members,
I am happy to officially invite you to the 6th FoME-symposium
“Hype or Hope? The impact of digital media on journalism and development”
which will take place in October 25th – 26th 2011 at Deutsche Welle in
Bonn, Germany.
Please find attached the official invitation and feel free to forward and
spread the word.
Registration starts today, futher information can be found at
Looking forward to welcoming you in Bonn, Germany from October 25th to 26
Dr. Helmut Osang
Head Media Development
Deutsche Welle Akademie
Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 3
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49-228-429.2039
helmut.osang at dw-world.de
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Dateiname : INVITATION_FoME Symposium 2011.pdf.zip
Dateityp : application/zip
Dateigröße : 349919 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL : <https://listi.jpberlin.de/pipermail/fome/attachments/20110811/bcd37b43/attachment.zip>
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