[FoME] CAMRI African and Arab Media conference, 30-31 March 2009

Katharina Noetzold knotzold at web.de
Do Mär 19 00:07:47 CET 2009

Liebe FoMe-Liste,

anbei die Einladung zur Konferenz "African and Arab Media Audiences: Shared Agendas for Research" vom 30.-31.03.2009 an der University of Westminster in London. 
Herzliche Grüße,
Katharina Nötzold


Dear Colleague,

We have pleasure in inviting you to the upcoming conference:

African and Arab Media Audiences: Shared Agendas for Research

Conference jointly organised by the

Africa Media Series http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-1747, 
Arab Media Centre http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-1447 and 
Audiences Group http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-1527

Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), 
University of Westminster http://www.wmin.ac.uk

30-31 March 2009

Venue: New Cavendish Campus 
115 New Cavendish Street, London W1

 *Keynote Speakers*

"On African Audiences" Karin Barber, Professor of African Cultural 
Anthropology, FBA, University of Birmingham, UK

"The holy spitting man: modernness and the impasse of Arab thought" 
Tarik Sabry, CAMRI, University of Westminster


The conference will begin during the morning of Monday, March 30th 
and continue to the early evening of Tuesday, March 31st. Plenary 
sessions will be held for one keynote speaker on each day. The 
remaining sessions will consist of concurrent panels, except for one 
or more plenary sessions dealing primarily with theoretical and/or 
methodological issues. The fee for registration will be £50, with a 
concessionary rate of £25 for students. If you are interested in 
attending, please complete the attached registration form and send 
back to Helen Cohen Helen.cohen at westminster.ac.uk

 *Please find the programme attached.*


Media research to date has largely neglected the fast growing and 
diverse media audiences in African and Arab countries. These 
countries share painful histories of colonization and broadly 
comparable experiences of post-independence media development. Today 
they share the challenge of adjusting to global trade and investment 
regimes that affect local media production and distribution systems 
but are crafted elsewhere. Yet when we speak of media reception in 
the Global South, we tend to think in terms of isolated geographies: 
of 'Latin America', 'Africa', or the 'Middle East'. By contextualizing 
primarily in terms of place, we overlook memories, issues and 
features that media users in different regions have in common. We 
foster artificial boundaries and separate research agendas. As a 
result, opportunities for productive joint debates about Arab and 
African media consumption are missed.

Blogs, chatrooms, social networking sites, and the use of SMS 
indicate that African and Arab audiences, like audiences generally, 
are highly active in sending and receiving messages in innovative 
ways. This conference, organised by the University of Westminster's 
Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), will explore this 
activity, taking in the old, the new, and processes of change and 
transformation. It draws on the combined resources of CAMRI's African 
Media Series, Arab Media Centre and Audiences Group. It focuses on 
media use and media users in two overlapping regions, where the 
culture and politics of former colonial powers have combined with 
internal influences to shape the audience experience in particular 


CAMRI is a global centre for media and social change. It has 25 
researchers and 50 doctoral students, and provides expertise in media 
policy and economics, media history, and media audiences. CAMRI has a 
strong international dimension, with interests in the study of global 
and transnational media. The China Media Centre and Arab Media Centre 
provide a focus for high quality research, policy analysis and 
industry training. CAMRI is also developing work in Indian and 
African media. The Media Audiences Centre is a new initiative for 
research into contemporary audience transformations. Read more about 
CAMRI at: http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-2040

With best regards,
Katharina Nötzold

Dr Katharina Noetzold

RCUK-Research Fellow
Editor Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture
Arab Media Centre, CAMRI
University of Westminster
Watford Road, Harrow HA1 3 TP, UK
Tel: +44-(0)20-7911 5000, ext. 4544 (office)
Email: k.noetzold at westminster.ac.uk

The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by 
guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 
309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW.

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