MAC OS X support for arbtt

vrasneur at vrasneur at
Tue Mar 29 13:12:53 CEST 2016


I have some code that makes arbtt work with MAC OS X.
The changes are available in a git branch:

Can somebody with a Mac test that arbtt works correctly with his computer?

Here are the compilation instructions:

First, you need the Haskell platform for Mac.
You also need:
* git
* a package manager for OS X. I use MacPorts ( but it should work with Homebrew.
* XCode and the XCode command line tools

Note: the OS X port itself does not need a C/Objective-C compiler. It uses the Haskell FFI to call the Mac OS X specific functions.


* install the C dependencies with your package manager
sudo port install pkgconfig
sudo port install pcre

* clone the OS X git branch
git clone -b osx-support

* use cabal to build/install arbtt
cd darcs-mirror-arbtt
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal configure --extra-lib-dir=/usr/lib
cabal build
cabal install

The option "--extra-lib-dir=/usr/lib" is necessary because of a conflict with iconv. (See for a detailed explanation)

* then, go to /Users/<user>/Library/Haskell/bin/ and type ls
You should see all the arbtt binaries.

* then, you can execute the binaries:
cd /Users/<user>/Library/Haskell/bin/


Vincent Rasneur

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