[Tiptoi] Make TipToi working on FRENCH PEN

Igor havegot at i.ua
Mi Jan 21 13:52:06 CET 2015

I can now create my own gme file that work on my French Pen.

After creating them with the “assemble” or “create-debug” function of the
excellent “tttool.exe” (thanks Joachim), I just have to add “5FRENCH”
starting at pos : 005008 (See screenshot) The 5 could be replace by any
number I thing.
It worked for me too and instead off a number there can be any letter as well. Tested. By the way it was described by Joachim here:


"The date string seems optional with one condition: if a language string follows the date must consist of at least one ASCII number. Next is an optional language string (currently known: GERMAN, DUTCH, FRENCH, ITALIAN. If the language string is provided it must match the language of the firmware that is running on the pen (it is unclear where is is checked; the file .tiptoi.log is NOT taken into account here!) or the pen will ignore it. If the language is missing any TipToi pen will accept the file."

And it is true except the last sentence. :)
Most of the code are recognized by the pen but not as good as on the books…

It would be good to find out how to make them as good as on the books. ;)
 I don’t know why my post take many hours to be publish on the mailing list …
Sometimes that is the same for but more often my posts are published at once. Maybe it depends on the time of day.

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