[Tiptoi] Make TipToi working on FRENCH PEN

Romain GOUYET romain at gouyet.com
Di Jan 20 23:34:19 CET 2015

Result of the last tests, with the help of Igor, Joachim, st_germain,
Ulrich. Thanks to them


I can now create my own gme file that work on my French Pen.

After creating them with the “assemble” or “create-debug” function of the
excellent “tttool.exe” (thanks Joachim), I just have to add “5FRENCH”
starting at pos : 005008  (See screenshot) The 5 could be replace by any
number I thing.


I successfully print this picture
http://www.mikrocontroller.net/attachment/242175/OIDs600.png on a laser
printer at 600 DPI.

Most of the code are recognized by the pen but not as good as on the books…


I tried to print this 600 DPI file at 1200 DPI but after that I get no match
of the pen….


Next step is to print 1200 DPI code on 1200 DPI printer to check if it will
be better…



I join to this post my tiptoi.log file content (readable on windows)



I don’t know why my post take many hours to be publish on the mailing list …





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