[smartmontools-support] Shouldn't it be a super normal setup to let smartmontool automatically kick out a disk from a mdadm-raid?

Claudio Kuenzler napsty at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 09:37:12 CET 2023

Hej Erik,

If I understand things correctly this is about what HW-raid-controllers do
> (kick out disk if some smart-value is considered bad).
> Of course I can myself do some scripting that let smartd kick out disks,
> but still... why can't I found example of this -- and why isn't it
> considered as a part of setting up a mdadm raid?

Actually this is the job of mdadm to kick a failed drive out of an array.
There are mechanisms which do that. A failed drive then has the flag "F"
(failed) in the output of /proc/mdstats .
Smartmontools are for monitoring only, they don't manage a raid array.
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