[smartmontools-support] Timeout by smartd in Openbsd

Christian Franke Christian.Franke at t-online.de
Mon Mar 27 18:11:12 CEST 2023

Francesco Bacchi wrote:
> Dear support team,
> I receive "smartd(timeout)" error in Openbsd 7.2.

Where does this message appear (syslog, screen, ...) ?

Which smartd messages appear in syslog ?

Does smartd work if started manually as a daemon (no option) or in debug 
mode (option '-d' or '-q onecheck', see man page for details) ?

Smartd never issues a message which contains "smartd(timeout)", so this 
message is possibly from an OpenBSD specific startup script. You might 
want to report this to the maintainer of the OpenBSD smartmontools package.


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