[smartmontools-support] Ask informations about the warning message May need -F samsung3 enabled

Philippe Debrabant joack.cascal at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 19:37:01 CET 2023


Here is my configuration : https://termbin.com/siwmj

In my error log I can always find this message : "smartd[1239]: Device:
/dev/sdc [SAT], WARNING: May need -F samsung3 enabled; see manual for

I've googled and found that this message is entered in the file "drivedb.h
- smartmontools drive database file" of smartmontools : struct drive_settings,
warningmsg data.
I've read "man smartd" and "man smartd.conf". So I've modified the file
/etc/smard.conf as follow :

DEFAULT -H -C 0 -U 0
/dev/sdc *-F samsung3*
#DEVICESCAN -d removable -n standby -m root -M exec

But the message is still written in the log. Is there a way to avoid that ?

Thanks for your answer.
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