[smartmontools-support] smartmontools for native Apple Silicon Mac

桃源老師 xanadu6291 at dream.jp
Fri Jul 14 17:04:20 CEST 2023

I have to tell a bad news:

> 2023/07/03 23:01、桃源老師 <xanadu6291 at dream.jp>のメール:
> Sorry, I send the following message directly to your address.  Since I think this should be send to mailing list, I re-send it...
> Hello Christian-san,
> Thank you for your prompt reply...
>> 2023/07/03 20:06、Christian Franke <Christian.Franke at t-online.de>のメール:
>> 桃源老師 wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I recently bought Apple Silicon Mac.  With my quick search, I can't find out a smartmontools for native Apple Silicon Mac. I mean the tool build for arm64 architecture. Where can I get it?
>> Please try a recent CI build from https://builds.smartmontools.org/
>> "smartmontools-7.4-r5487.dmg" (Build #1684) or later should support arm64 + x86_64 architectures.
> I have installed Build #1686 and then confirmed that the tools is built for arm64 and x86_64.  I also confirmed that strange E-Mail regarding NVMe device, which I reported on Dec. 2, 2022, seems to solved. (On macOS 13.4.1 both arm64 and x86_64)

The issue which I wrote seems to solved is not solved.  The previous E-mail was result of my mistake.  I didn't realized that smartd.conf was overwrited on installation of smartmontools. When I re-write smartd.conf to of my own, the strange behavior occurred again.  The strange behavior is that trying to launch smartd via automatic process, in macOS, it is called launchd, smartd reports "Failed to open nvme device".  But when trying to launch smartd manually, I mean via command line, smartd never report such kind of error...

Best Regards,
Kimio Miyamura

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