[smartmontools-support] smartmontools for native Apple Silicon Mac

桃源老師 xanadu6291 at dream.jp
Mon Jul 3 16:01:03 CEST 2023

Sorry, I send the following message directly to your address.  Since I think this should be send to mailing list, I re-send it...

Hello Christian-san,

Thank you for your prompt reply...

> 2023/07/03 20:06、Christian Franke <Christian.Franke at t-online.de>のメール:
> 桃源老師 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I recently bought Apple Silicon Mac.  With my quick search, I can't find out a smartmontools for native Apple Silicon Mac. I mean the tool build for arm64 architecture. Where can I get it?
> Please try a recent CI build from https://builds.smartmontools.org/
> "smartmontools-7.4-r5487.dmg" (Build #1684) or later should support arm64 + x86_64 architectures.

I have installed Build #1686 and then confirmed that the tools is built for arm64 and x86_64.  I also confirmed that strange E-Mail regarding NVMe device, which I reported on Dec. 2, 2022, seems to solved. (On macOS 13.4.1 both arm64 and x86_64)

Best Regards,
Kimio Miyamura
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