[smartmontools-support] Reports Health Status OK? But No SMART Support Available?

Claudio Kuenzler napsty at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 05:58:53 CET 2022

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 9:20 PM Dachshund Digital <
dachshund.digital at dc.rr.com> wrote:

> Have an old IDE drive in an older USB 2 disk enclosure, of course this
> is not SATA, so no surprise it is not SMART capable.  But how can
> smartctl report health OK if no SMART?

Why would you assume that this drive has no SMART at all? Just because the
SMART ATA attributes are not showing up?

> Elements in grown defect list: 0

This is typically an output from a SCSI device.

So yes, this drive is clearly from an older generation, but smartctl is
able to read some information, able to indicate the drive's health.
Never assume 100% accuracy on the reported data though.
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