[smartmontools-support] WD WD101EFBX drive has insane temperatures?

Franc Zabkar fzabkar at internode.on.net
Wed Aug 17 20:30:29 CEST 2022

The 512-byte SMART data block has an empty (?) byte immediately after 
the flags byte. Is it possible that WD/HGST is using this byte to store 
current normalised values larger than 255?

BTW, WD's warranty status checker confirms that this is a HGST model.


Serial Number        VCJ2P3WP

Model Number         WD101EFBX-68B0AN0

Description          WDVLA (Vela family?)
                      7200 RPM
                      256MB cache
                      SATA3, 6GB/s
                      RED PLUS HGST

On 18/08/2022 4:12 am, Franc Zabkar wrote:
> I'm wondering whether the "4" is a case where the normalised value has 
> exceeded the limit of 256 and wrapped to 0. If so, then its actual value 
> would be 260.

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