[smartmontools-support] Help with vendor-specific raw value print FORMAT

Serguei E. Leontiev leo at sai.msu.ru
Thu Sep 23 16:34:18 CEST 2021


I need to print value:

| ID  |      ATTRIBUTE_NAME             |                  DATA ADDRESS (Byte)                          | 
+     |                                 +------+------+------+-------+------------------+---------------+
|     |                                 |  10  |  9   |  8   |  7    |        6         |       5       |
| AFh | Power Failure Protection Status | Voltage Stabilizer Trigger | Guaranteed Flush | Drive Status  |
|     |                                 |           Count            |  (0x01 Enable)   | (0x00 Normal) |
        Advantech, SQFlash SMART ID Definition (SATA), #1.0, 2020/01/15

But I can't find anything more reliable than:
    "-v 175,hex48,Power_Failure_Prot_Sts "

The variant "-v 175,raw24(raw8):105432,Power_Failure_Prot_Sts " is quite close to the required format, but prints the highest byte of the counter separately from the three lowest ones.

Am I missing out on any other opportunities?

Sorry for my bests English.
Serguei E. Leontiev w:+7(495)995-4820 USSR,Moscow,127018,Sushchevskij val 18
CRYPTO-PRO, LLC     m:+7(916)686-1081 <http://CryptoPro.ru>

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