[smartmontools-support] Output Error for M.2 SATA drive

Brian M brian2090 at comcast.net
Thu Mar 7 07:56:53 CET 2019

Attached feedback for SmartCTL attempting to read data from M.2 SATA SSD. 
  Just the M.2 port SSD is not working (non nVME) as a single disk RAID 0
Output Error file attached for M.2 SATA drive (WD Blue series, 1 TB, M.2
SSD, on AMD X370 RAID controller for MSI X370 Krait Gaming MB)  single disk
volume RAID 0.
Thank you for your development of the tools!
  Works well with my other drives, on individual HDDs of SATA3 port
connected disk pairs in RAID 0 arrays; SATA3 port SSD works well, too, also
a single SSD RAID 0 array.
- Brian -
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