[smartmontools-support] xselftest support in smartd

Christopher Head chead at chead.ca
Sun Dec 29 08:11:53 CET 2019

Hello folks,
I am not certain, but I think, from looking at the source code, that
while smartctl supports the xselftest log, smartd does not (it only
supports the selftest log—I guessed this because the smartd code
appears to look at log directory entry 6 while the xselftest log is 7).
Is this correct? I have a drive (OCZ-VERTEX3) which only supports
xselftest, not selftest. Is it possible for smartd to monitor it for
selftest results? If not, could this be a feature request for a future
version? I can create an account and file the ticket myself if you
prefer, but I wanted to check first whether I misunderstood anything.

Christopher Head
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