[smartmontools-support] Lowest Fixed Version? Long test never finishes on WDC WD40NMZW-11GX6S1

ItAint MeBabe itaintmebabe00 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 06:24:26 CET 2018

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 12:31 AM, Christian Franke
<Christian.Franke at t-online.de> wrote:
> This is a drive firmware issue and cannot be fixed by smartmontools.

Bummer.  I guess I'll throw it at WD support and see what they say.
I'm  guessing not much.  It would have been nice had the drive
firmware responded in
some way that indicated that.  If that is even possible ....

> Is there any regular I/O done during the self-test? If yes, please read:
> https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/FAQ#Whydoself-teststakeverylong

None, the only partition on the drive was not even mounted.

> Does a new test appear in the SMART self-test log after the WDC tool
> finishes the test?
> If no, the tool did the test with regular OS reads.

I didn't have 160 hours to wait - running that Windows VM eats up a
lot of my RAM.

But I strongly believe that the Windows tool from WD was using regular OS reads,
given the 7 MB/s of reading shown by the application in Performance Monitor.

> BTW: If SMART self-tests do not work for some reason, I use something like
> # ddrescue --ask -f -d --max-read-rate=1Mi /dev/sdX /dev/null disk.log

Thanks, I guess there is no other option.

> Thanks,
> Christian

Thank you,


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