[smartmontools-support] Using smartmontools 6.1 to read status of TLER setting from SATA drives through megaraid controllers uses wrong command per LSI

Steven Tague stague at exagrid.com
Mon Apr 2 20:24:01 CEST 2018

I do not see any issue fixed since 6.1 that addresses this issue.

We successfully use 
	smartctl  -d sat+megaraid,$id -l scterc,0,0 /dev/sda  -T verypermissive
to turn TLER off
however we do not get meaningful status reading TLER setting with
	smartctl  -d sat+megaraid,$id -l scterc /dev/sda  -T verypermissive

A discussion with LSI at the time resulted in the suggestion that the command sent to the megaraid by smartcl was incorrect. I don't believe I got the correct command from LSI.
The value of $id is the LSI assigned device ID of the each drive in the array in turn that we want to adjust.

Steven Tague
Principal Hardware Engineer
Office:  508.898.2872 x368
stague at exagrid.com

Hyper-converged secondary storage for backup 

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