[Smartmontools-database] WDC WUH721818ALE6L4

Shinichiro Kawasaki shinichiro.kawasaki at wdc.com
Wed Aug 4 03:40:08 CEST 2021


I would like to add Western Digital's Ultrastar DC HC550 to drivedb.h.
Here I note the URLs of the product data sheet [1] and specifications [2].

[1] https://documents.westerndigital.com/content/dam/doc-library/en_us/assets/public/western-digital/product/data-center-drives/ultrastar-dc-hc500-series/data-sheet-ultrastar-dc-hc550.pdf

[2] https://documents.westerndigital.com/content/dam/doc-library/en_us/assets/public/western-digital/product/data-center-drives/ultrastar-dc-hc500-series/product-manual-ultrastar-dc-hc550-sata-oem-spec.pdf

I suggest to apply the patch attached: 0001-drivedb.h-Ultrastar-DC-HC550.patch
I applied this patch to smartctl and obtained smartctl output of two drives.
Please find the two attached files: smartctl-WDC-WUH721818ALE6L4_*

One point to note about the patch is that the modelregexp supports the model
numbers both with and without "WDC" prefix. Some of the drives do not have the

The other point is the inline comment about the SMART ID 22. The specification
[2] page 303 describes the SMART attribute as "Internal Environment status". On
the other hand, many entries in drivedb.h describe it as "Helium_Level". For
consistency, I think the new entry for this model should have the description
"Helium_Level". But I wish to have the comment to note that it is different
from the specification.

Thanks in advance for comments and actions.

Best Regards,
Shin'ichiro Kawasaki
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