escape @ in spamassassin_heinlein-support_de/

Marcus Schopen lists at
Di Feb 9 19:26:20 CET 2021

Hallo Peer,

könntet Ihr bitte das @ in der bei nachfolgenden, neuen
Regeln in \@ escape'n. Ältere spamassassins "hängen" sich daran auf.

header HS_HEADER_1500		Reply-To:=~/.*support at leadstips\.com.*/

header HS_HEADER_1506		Reply-To:=~/.*support at g-webleads\.com.*

header HS_HEADER_1509		Reply-To:=~/.*support at mail-socialmuse\.

header HS_HEADER_1511		Reply-To:
=~/.*support at amazonshoppings\.info.*/

Possible unintended interpolation of @g in string at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1506,
line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @mail in string at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1509,
line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @leadstips in string at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1500,
line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @amazonshoppings in string at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1511,
line 1.
rules: failed to compile
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check::_head_tests_0_6, skipping:
        (Global symbol "@g" requires explicit package name at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1506,
line 1.
Global symbol "@mail" requires explicit package name at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1509,
line 1.
Global symbol "@leadstips" requires explicit package name at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1500,
line 1.
Global symbol "@amazonshoppings" requires explicit package name at
/tmp/.spamassassin7185HJuhWPtmp/, rule HS_HEADER_1511,
line 1.)
channel: lint check of update failed, channel failed
sa-update failed for unknown reasons

Danke für Euren Service und die regelmäßigen Updates der Regeln!


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