Frank Fiene
ffiene at veka.com
Do Mai 19 18:34:10 CEST 2016
Normalerweise sind Kunden und Lieferanten immer sehr dankbar, wenn man sie auf eine fehlerhafte Konfiguration hinweist.
Meistens ein Problem mit FcrDNS, welches wir verlangen.
Hier mal ein Reply von einer „Mail Maintenance Company“ aus UK:
> Hi Alex,
> I have forwarded your email to our technical department, who have sent it on to our email/web maintenance company , please see below their reply.
> The implication is that an over strict mail rule could well be causing the problem and is interpreting the problem as a DNS resolution issue. I don’t know if you want to take this up with your IT department
> Veka are correct in what they say but this isn’t an uncommon setup so it’s surprising they get much mail at all if they enforce this rule for everybody. They wouldn’t get email from me for example as we use Office 365 so our email comes from a Microsoft IP address. The same would apply to anyone using a service like Message Labs to virus scan their email.
Die haben gar nicht verstanden, dass das gar nichts damit zu tun hat, dass der Server nicht in der Domain des Absenders liegt.
> I suspect it was rejected for another reason (an overly strict spam filter probably) and a cursory look at why has resulted in the wrong reason being communicated back.
> Interestingly, if we enforced this rule on our server you wouldn’t receive email from Veka as their mail is sent from an ip address that resolves mail.veka.com not veka.com. Similar but technically different.
Hier nochmal.
> We could in theory change this on our server but then all our client email would resolve back to industrialworkwear.com so in reality it’s not possible.
Ich habe auf den Wikipedia-Eintrag zu FcrDNS verwiesen und RFC 1912: "Make sure your PTR and A records match.“
Ich denke, die wissen nicht einmal was ein RFC ist.
Da hat wohl der Azubi den Mailserver eingerichtet.
Oh Mann ...
Frank Fiene
IT-Security Manager VEKA Group
Fon: +49 2526 29-6200
Fax: +49 2526 29-16-6200
mailto: ffiene at veka.com
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