[Postfixbuch-users] Leerer Envelope-Sender durch sender_canonical_maps

mailinglisten at it-blog.net mailinglisten at it-blog.net
So Jun 30 23:42:37 CEST 2013

> Versuche doch mal
> /^(.+)$/                \"${1}\"@ex2.example.com
> The restrictions for special characters are that they must only be
> used when contained between quotation marks, and that 2 of them (the
> backslash \ and quotation mark " (ASCII: 92, 34)) must also be
> preceded by a backslash \ (e.g. "\\\"").

Ich habe es ausprobiert, leider ohne Erfolg. Der Envelope-Sender ist 
nach dem Umschreiben trotzdem leer.

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