[Postfixbuch-users] centos Problem mit spamassasin

Ralf Prengel ralf.prengel at rprengel.de
Fr Okt 17 14:14:25 CEST 2008


nicht Postfix direkt aber ggf. kann mir jemand helfen.

Ralf Prengel

Spam-Status: Spamassassin Mit -5 %-iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht: No

Possible unintended interpolation of @top in string at
/etc/cron.daily/00-logwatch line 43.
Global symbol "@top" requires explicit package name at
/etc/cron.daily/00-logwatch line 43.
Execution of /etc/cron.daily/00-logwatch aborted due to compilation errors.

# Default config here...
$Config{'detail'} = 0;
==> $Config{'mailto'} = "rootmail at top-lamp.com"; <== $Config{'save'} = "";
$Config{'print'} = 0; $Config{'range'} = "yesterday"; $Config{'debug'} = 0;
$Config{'archives'} = 0; $Config{'tmpdir'} = "/tmp"; 
$Config{'splithosts'} = 0;
$Config{'multiemail'} = 0; # Logwatch now does some basic searching for 
logs #
So if the log file is not in the log path it will check /var/adm # and then
/var/log -mgt $Config{'logdir'} = "/var/log"; chomp($Config{'hostname'} =

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