[Postfixbuch-users] OT: Googlemail nimmt nur langsam viele mails an

Sven Schöppner sven.schoeppner at gmail.com
Di Aug 19 14:58:35 CEST 2008

Email soll schnell, zuverlässig und einfach sein ..... Arggg das war einmal.

Hat jemand eine Lösung dafür das Googlemail mein ab mehr als 20 Mails 
würde man sie mit Spam versorgen.
Gmail unterbindet temporär mit 450 f. die Mailzustellung..

Die Seite 
habe ich gelesen.


    Bulk Senders Guidelines Delivery

    While Gmail works hard to deliver all legitimate mail to a user's
    inbox, it's possible that some legitimate messages may be marked as
    spam. Gmail does not accept 'whitelisting' requests from bulk
    senders, and we can't guarantee that all of your messages will
    bypass our spam filters. To make sure our users receive all the mail
    they'd like to, we've provided them with a method for sending us
    feedback about messages flagged as spam -- users have the option of
    clicking a 'Not spam' button for each message flagged by our spam
    filters. We listen to users' reports, and correct problems in order
    to provide them with the best user experience. As long as our users
    don't consider your mail as spam, you shouldn't have inbox delivery

    There are two important factors that, under normal circumstances,
    help messages arrive in Gmail users' inboxes:

        * The 'From:' address is listed in the user's Contacts list.
        * A user clicks 'Not Spam' to alert Gmail that messages sent
    from that address are solicited.

    If you send both promotional mail and transactional mail relating to
    your organization, we recommend separating mail by purpose as much
    as possible. You can do this by:

        * Using separate email addresses for each function.
        * Sending mail from different domains and/or IP addresses for
    each function.

    By using these tips, it's more likely that the important
    transactional mail will be delivered to a user's inbox. Our
    guidelines are meant to help you build a good reputation within the
    Gmail system, resulting in continual delivery to Gmail inboxes.

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