[Postfixbuch-users] webmaster@, hostmaster@, postmaster@ freischalten
usenet at deiszner.de
usenet at deiszner.de
Di Jan 9 00:25:41 CET 2007
Uwe Driessen schrieb:
> Mal ne Bemerkung nebenbei zu nerd.dk
> Tue Dec 19 00:55:59 CET 2006
> Shutdown of ORDB
> Today we decided to shut down ORDB. It was a choice between a lot of hard
> work or performing the actual shutdown we had been talking about for a year.
> The zone is still live, but empty, so people have a chance to remove it from
> their config before we shut it down completely.
> I don't belive the shutdown will mean much to the general spam landscape,
> open relays aren't really a prime spam target anymore.
> Da wirst du dir was neues einfallen lassen müssen
Was hat nerd.dk mit ordb zu tun ?
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