[Postfixbuch-users] Avelsieve squirrelmail
Info Beilfuss
info at beilfuss.de
Mi Okt 18 22:38:22 CEST 2006
habe das Plugin Avelsieve von Squirrelmail eingerichtet und jetzt folgende
Konnte den timsieved-Prozess auf Ihrem IMAP-Server nicht erreichen
Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator.
Meine Einstellungen:
"IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.2.12"
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify subaddress
l comparator-i;ascii-numeric regex"
NO "Expected a command. Got something else."
OK "Logout Complete"
Verbindung zu Host verloren.
Avelsieve config.php:
* User-friendly interface to SIEVE server-side mail filtering.
* Plugin for Squirrelmail 1.4+
* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Alexandros Vellis <avel at users.sourceforge.net>
* Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING that came
* with the Squirrelmail distribution.
* $Id: config_sample.php,v 1.8 2004/01/26 14:43:22 avel Exp $
* Configuration parameters for SIEVE mail filters (aka avelsieve)
/* ========================================================================
/* =================== IMAP Server / SIEVE Setup =========================
/* ========================================================================
/* Port where timsieved listens on the Cyrus IMAP server. Default is 2000.
$sieveport = 2000;
/* **** NEW OPTION (as of 0.9.4) ****
* Space separated list of preferred SASL mechanisms for the authentication
* timsieved */
$preferred_mech = "LOGIN PLAIN";
//$preferred_mech = "PLAIN DIGEST-MD5";
/* **** NEW OPTION (as of 0.9.6) ***** Enable ImapProxy mode.
* If you use imapproxy, because imapproxy cannot understand and proxy the
* SIEVE protocol, you must connect to the SIEVE daemon (usually on the IMAP
* server) itself. So you need to set $imapproxymode to true, and define a
* mapping, from the imapproxy host (usually localhost) to your real IMAP
* server (usually the same that is defined on Imapproxy's configuration).
* This will not work if you use a perdition-style proxy, where different
* go to different IMAP servers; it applies mostly to people running
* for speed and want a quick hack.
$imapproxymode = false;
$imapproxyserv = array(
'localhost' => 'mail.XXX.org'
/* *** Option Reenabled since 0.9.9 ***
* Save changes to SIEVE server immediately or be conservative and save only
* when "Save Changes" is selected? */
$conservative = true;
/* Ldapuserdata mode: Gets user's email addresses (including mailAlternate &
* mailAuthorized) from LDAP Prefs Backend plugin's cache */
$ldapuserdatamode = false;
/* Map of cyrus administrator users, for proxy authentication */
$cyrusadmins_map = array(
'cyrusimap' => 'cyrussieve'
/* ========================================================================
/* =============== Avelsieve Interface / Behavior Setup ==================
/* ========================================================================
/* Use images for the move up / down, delete rule buttons and STOP? */
$useimages = true;
/* Translate the messages returned by the "Reject" and "Vacation" actions?
* default behaviour since 0.9 is not to translate them. Change to true if
* an intranet environment or in a same-language environment. */
$translate_return_msgs = false;
/* Theme to use for the images. A directory with the same name must exist
* plugins/avelsieve/$imagetheme, that contains the files: up.png, down.png,
* del.png, dup.png, edit.png, top.png, bottom.png. */
$imagetheme = 'bluecurve_24x24';
//$imagetheme = 'bluecurve_16x16';
/* Enable Create New Folder routine in step #3 of adding a new rule? */
$createnewfolder = true;
/* Number of items to display _initially_, when displaying the header match
* rule */
$startitems = 3;
/* Maximum number of items to allow in one header match rule. */
$maxitems = 10;
/* Headers to display in listbox widget, when adding a new header rule. */
$headers = array(
'From', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'Subject', 'Reply-To', 'Sender', 'List-Id',
'MailingList', 'X-ML-Name', 'X-List', 'X-Mailer', 'X-MailingList',
'X-Mailing-List', 'X-Spam-Flag', 'X-Spam-Status', 'X-Priority',
'X-MSMail-Priority', 'Precedence');
/* Available :method's for the :notify extension (if applicable) */
$notifymethods = array(
'mailto', 'sms'
/* use the value "false" if you want to provide a simple input box so that
* users can edit the method themselves : */
//$notifymethods = false;
/* Capabilities to disable. If you would like to force avelsieve not to
* certain features, even though there _is_ a capability for them by
* Cyrus/timsieved, you should specify these here. For instance, if you
* like to disable the notify extension, even though timsieved advertises
* you should add 'notify' in this array:
$force_disable_avelsieve_capability =
* array("notify");. This will still leave the defined feature on, and if
* user can upload her own scripts then she can use that feature; this
* just disables the GUI of it. Leave as-is (empty array) if you do not need
* that.
* Look in $implemented_capabilities array in constants.php for valid values
// $disable_avelsieve_capabilities = array("notify");
$disable_avelsieve_capabilities = array();
/* Display Filters link in the top Squirrelmail header? */
$avelsieveheaderlink = true;
/* *** New option as of 0.9.9 ***
* Default display mode, one of 'verbose' or 'terse' */
$avelsieve_default_mode = 'verbose';
/* ========================================================================
/* ========================= Custom rules Configuration ===================
/* ========================================================================
/* Beta - easy anti-spam rule Configuration. Options should be
* self-explanatory. For $spamrule_tests, the key is the spam block list as
* displayed in the message header inserted by your anti-spam solution,
* the value is the user-friendly name displayed to the user in the advanced
* configuration. $spamrule_action_default can be one of 'junk', 'trash' or
* 'discard'. You can set it to 'junk' if you have the Junkfolder plugin
* installed.
* If you would like to get the Spam tests from Sendmail's configuration
* resides in LDAP), try something like this in your
* $ldap_server[0]['mtarblspamfilter'] =
* $ldap_server[0]['mtarblspambase'] = 'ou=services,dc=example,dc=org';
$spamrule_enable = false;
$spamrule_score_max = 100;
$spamrule_score_default = 80;
$spamrule_score_header = 'X-Spam-Score';
$spamrule_tests_ldap = false; /* Try to ask Sendmail's LDAP Configuration */
$spamrule_tests = array(
'Open.Relay.DataBase' => "Open Relay Database",
'Spamhaus.Block.List' => "Spamhaus Block List",
'SpamCop' => "SpamCop",
'FORGED' => "Forged Header"
$spamrule_tests_header = 'X-Spam-Tests';
$spamrule_action_default = 'trash';
Christian Beilfuß
70619 Stuttgart
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