[Postfixbuch-users] Hilfe: Fehler 554 relay access denied

Ralf Hildebrandt Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
Mi Jan 25 22:58:12 CET 2006

* turgu <turgu at gmx.de>:
> > 
> > warning: connect to transport smtp-amavis: Connection refused
> > Amavis läuft
> aus mail.log:
> Jan 25 19:08:19 localhost postfix/virtual[29362]: warning: maildir
> access problem for UID/GID=2000/2000: create /srv/kunden/mail//web15/
> Die beiden // keine Ahnung wo die herkommen

virtual_mailbox_base = /srv/kunden/mail/
muss heissen
virtual_mailbox_base = /srv/kunden/mail

Ralf Hildebrandt (Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de)          spamtrap at charite.de
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung       Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
I've got the perfect system.  I never need to do maintenance on it, or
software upgrades, patches, or anything.  It's great.  It never wakes me up,
or gets hacked into.  It's completely perfect.  That was the first step in
my plan to build the perfect Postfix system. 
The second step is to plug it in. 

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