Antw: RE: [Postfixbuch-users] RFC-Konformität zu MX und CNAME? [Nachtrag]
Uwe Hering
Uwe.Hering at
Fr Mai 13 15:22:37 CEST 2005
3.6 Domains
Only resolvable, fully-qualified, domain names (FQDNs) are permitted
when domain names are used in SMTP. In other words, names that can
be resolved to MX RRs or A RRs (as discussed in section 5) are
permitted, as are CNAME RRs whose targets can be resolved, in turn,
to MX or A RRs.
und 5. Address Resolution and Mail Handling
...The lookup first attempts to locate an MX
record associated with the name. If a CNAME record is found instead,
the resulting name is processed as if it were the initial name.
und HISTORY-File Postfix (2.1.5):
Performance: RFC 2821 blesses the use of CNAME domain names
in MAIL FROM and RCPT TO. Not having to expand CNAME domain
names speeds things up a bit. File: smtp/smtp_proto.c.
>>> mlists at 13.05.05 14.16 >>>
> > Schaut Euch das bitte einmal an. Der findet eine IP für
> >, aber empfielt, dorthin KEINE MAIL
> auszuliefern,
> > weil ein CNAME ist.
> >
> > Ist das nicht verrückt?
> Nein.
Don't use CNAMEs in combination with RRs which point to other names
like MX, CNAME, PTR and NS. (PTR is an exception if you want to
implement classless in-addr delegation.) For example, this is
strongly discouraged:
podunk.xx. IN MX mailhost
mailhost IN CNAME mary
mary IN A
Auweia ....
dann hab Du mal ein herzliches Dank. Denn ich hab das nicht gewusst und
auch nicht gefunden.
Wieder einmal bestätigt sich, dass die Liste hier ein wahrer Schatz ist.
Danke schön
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