[Postfixbuch-users] Timeout's

Manfred Ockert m.ockert at bss-services.de
Do Okt 28 07:44:37 CEST 2004

Ralf Hildebrandt schrieb:
> * Manfred Ockert <m.ockert at bss-services.de>:
>>Oct 27 09:16:31 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) Checking for banned MIME types and names
>>Oct 27 09:16:31 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) Checking for banned (contents-based) file types, 2 parts
>>Oct 27 09:16:31 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) Using H+BEDV AntiVir or CentralCommand Vexira Antivirus: /usr/bin/antivir --allfiles -noboot -nombr 
>>-rs -s -z /var/amavis/amavis-20041027T091100-19272/parts
>>Oct 27 09:16:35 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) run_av: /usr/bin/antivir
>>status=0 (0 ),AntiVir / Linux Version 2.1.2-6 +gui\nCopyright (c) 1994-2004 
>>by H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH.\nAll rights reserved.\n\nLoading 
>>/usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir.vdf ...\n\nVDF version: created 26 Oct 
>>2004\n\nFor private, non-commercial use only.\nAntiVir license: 1001102959 
>>for Manfred Ockert\n\nchecking drive/path (list): 
>>/var/amavis/amavis-20041027T091100-19272/parts\n\n------ scan results 
>>------\n   directories: ...1\n scanned files: ...2\n...alerts: 
>>...0\n...suspicious: ...0\n...scan time: 
>>00:00:01\n--------------------------\nThank you for using AntiVir.
>>Oct 27 09:16:35 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) headers CLUSTERING: done all 1 recips in one go
>>Oct 27 09:16:35 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) FWD via SMTP: []:10025 <frauke.frodl at bjoern-schulz-stiftung.de> -> 
>><feinschliff at emge.biz>
>>Oct 27 09:18:01 linuxs amavisd[19272]: (19272-03) mail_via_smtp: session failed: timed out
> Was steht im Postfix Log dafür?

Oct 27 09:18:02 linuxs postfix/smtp[19340]: 448B33082C: to=<feinschliff at emge.biz>, relay=[], delay=-450, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 4.4.2 Timed out during 
fwd-data, id=19272-03 (in reply to end of DATA command))
Oct 27 09:28:24 linuxs postfix/smtpd[19395]: connect from localhost[]

hmm Zeitfrage für Timeout ??


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