[Postfixbuch-users] Reject Meldungen

Ralf Hildebrandt Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
So Jan 26 13:26:52 CET 2003

* Giuseppe Potenza <giuseppe at potenza.de>:

> postfix/cleanup[7530]: 5FE1157A49: reject: header X-MIME-Autoconverted: from
> quoted-printable to 8bit by ....
> Kann mir jemand hierzu was sagen/erklären ???

Schau doch mal in deine header_checks oder body_checks!

Ralf Hildebrandt (Im Auftrag des Referat V a)   Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
Charite Campus Mitte                            Tel.  +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Referat V a - Kommunikationsnetze -             Fax.  +49 (0)30-450 570-916
"The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone
is responsible. Universes of virtually unlimited complexity can be
created in the form of computer programs."-Joseph Weizenbaum

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