[Lebenslaute-Info] 2015 > 1. Rundmail (16.2.): 23./24. August im Kohletagebau

Lebenslaute-Info-Verteiler lebenslaute-info at listi.jpberlin.de
Mo Feb 16 22:12:13 CET 2015

< English translation below >

Liebe Lebenslaute-AktivistInnen und weitere Lebenslaute-Interessierte!

Das Hauptergebnis unseres diesjaehrigen Januartreffens ist, dass wir 
auch 2015 wieder eine grosse Lebenslaute-Aktion durchfuehren wollen. 
Erstmals in diesem chorsinfonischen Rahmen wollen wir den Widerstand 
gegen Braunkohleabbau unterstuetzen. Eine Woche nach einer grossen 
'Massenaktion Zivilen Ungehorsams' verschiedenster Initiativen im 
Rheinischen Kohlerevier (Wochenende um den 15.8.) wollen wir nachlegen 
mit unserer Musikaktion Zivilen Ungehorsams - schoen gross besetzte 
Chor- und Orchestermusik im Tagebau. Aktionsform wird eine konzertante 
Baggerblockade tagsueber und direkt anschliessend als musikalische 
Nachtwache in der Nacht vom 23. auf den 24. August 2015. Mit dieser 
Aktion und unseren Vorbereitungstagen wollen wir den (Schall)Druck zu 
einer echten Energiewende weiter verstaerken.

Dafuer suchen wir wieder gern uebende Saenger*innen und 
Orchester-Musiker*innen sowie nicht musizierende Unterstuetzer*innen 
fuer Aktionsorganisation! Es hat sich eine Vorbereitungsgruppe 
zusammengefunden, die alles Notwendige bis zum Beginn der Aktionstage 
organisieren will. Im Fruehsommer steigt vom 26. bis 28. Juni unser 
Vorbereitungs- und Probenwochenende (Freitagabend bis Sonntagnachmittag) 
in Buir westlich von Koeln: fuer alle neuen und die altbekannten 

Das Lebenslaute-Sommercamp wird am Dienstagabend, 18.8., in oder in der 
Naehe von Buir eroeffnet. Wir werden uns u.a. mit einer oeffentlichen 
Musik-Generalprobe („Vorkonzert“) auf die Aktion vorbereiten. Am 
Sonntag, 23.8., geht es dann hinein ins Revier zu einer der drei 
Abbruchkanten, wo der Riesenbagger bis Montag zum Stillstand gebracht 
werden soll. Abreisezeit fuer TeilnehmerInnen waere entweder 
Montagnachmittag bis -abend oder gerne erst unser Campabbau-(Diens)Tag, 
der 25. August.

Kontakt und Anmeldung fuer alles ueber lebenslaute2015 at riseup.net. Ein 
Aktionsflyer ist in Arbeit und wird im Fruehjahr vor den Ostermaerschen 
veroeffentlicht, natuerlich auch hier. Dieser kann gerne vor dem 
Anmelden abgewartet werden, aber auch vorher nehmen wir schon besondere 
Vorschlaege entgegen und beantworten Fragen.

Bis bald gruesst eure Lebenslaute-Vorbereitungsgruppe 2015 und die 


Dear Friends and Activists of Lebenslaute!

I.  Looking back on 2014

The year 2014 was one of new events, growing conflicts and continuing 
open-ended developments in society and in the world of politics, but 
also in the cosmos of our small LEBENSLAUTE network. Most of the basic 
information regarding our action projects and links to press reports can 
be found on our website. Here is some additional information {all from 
newsletter No. 3 of 2014}:

-	Our summer action project in Eisenhuettenstadt in the eastern part of 
Brandenburg was once again very intense and ambitious. We experienced 
some difficult, but also some very positive encounters, controversial 
discussions and moments of self-reflection concerning the possibilities 
and the limiting boundaries of our form of political action. Aside from 
such long term individual thought processes two main topics returned to 
the center of concern regarding the form and content of future LL 
actions: the organizational expectations, framing conditions and form of 
our often complicated action projects and the omnipresent questions of 
consensual decision-making and organisation of grass-roots democracy.

-	On May 8 it was announced at a national press conference that 
LEBENSLAUTE was the recipient of the Peace Prize of Aachen for 2014 
(http://aachener-friedenspreis.de). This highly respected award given by 
members of the peace movement located in the City of Aachen and vicinity 
was an important contribution towards increasing the level of 
familiarity of our network, ideas and goals in German national society. 
Sixteen of our activists attended the presentation ceremony on September 
1 in Aachen. We were thus part of a wonderful, warmhearted and 
politically meaningful annual anti-war day there. For us it was the 
nicest possible way of making acquaintance with the peace movement in 
Aachen and also with the co-recipients of the Peace Award, Code Pink 
from the USA (http://codepink.org).

-	During the past year our five smaller regional groups were active in 
various ways: Bielefeld/Herford/Ostwestfalen, Berlin/Brandenburg, 
South(west), Leipzig and Rhein-Main, our newest regional group. An 
incomplete listing of our regional activities is documented at our 
website under (http://www.lebenslaute.net/?page_id=112). While not all 
of these actions involve forms of direct action or civil disobedience 
several of our members were involved in direct action resistance 
activities during 2014 at the military training grounds in the Altmark, 
at the military airbase in Buechel (storage area for the atomic weapons 
stored on German soil) and at other locations.

Now the author would like to apologize for the fact that communication 
is sometimes slow - answers to queries for information are not always 
swiftly forthcoming. This is due to a workload which sometimes prevents 
us from communicating reliably. We will try to do better in the future.

II.  The Lebenslaute Action Project for 2015

The main result of our January meeting this year is, that we will once 
again carry out a Lebenslaute action project in 2015. For the first time 
we want to support the resistance to the strip mining of brown coal in 
our country. One week after the planned action of mass civil 
disobedience in the coal mining district in the Rheinland (on the 
weekend around August 15) we want to do a second round with our own 
musical action project of civil disobedience with a full orchestra and 
chorus at the mining site. Our form of action will be a concert blockade 
during the day followed directly by a night vigil August 24/25. With 
this week of action training followed by the action itself we want to 
increase the (not only acoustic) pressure to further strengthen the 
movement for a genuine energy revolution.

For this important project we are inviting experienced singers and 
instrumental musicians, as well as persons who will support this project 
with their technical and organisational skills! We have a planning group 
which will do the organising for our Days of Training and Project 
Action. We will have a Preparation and Training Weekend from June 26 to 
28 - with rehearsals and preparatory training to be held in Buir just 
west of Cologne. This is for all participants, old and new.

The Lebenslaute Summer Action Camp itself will then start on Tuesday 
evening August 18 in or near Buir. We will climax our week of 
preparation with a public dress rehearsal on Saturday and then go into 
action in the mining area at the brim of one of the three large strip 
mining pits. Here we will bring one of the gigantic excavating machines 
to a standstill. The project ends on Monday afternoon/evening; we 
welcome some of you to stay and help dismount the camp on Tuesday, 
August 25.

You may contact us for further information and to register for 
participation in our project at lebenslaute2015 at riseup.net. We are 
preparing a leaflet announcing our project which will appear in spring 
well before the Easter Marches and which will be published on our 
Website. You can of course wait for the leaflet before registering to 
participate, but we welcome you to do it now! And we are available to 
answer questions at any time.

See you soon! We send you the very best of greetings! Your Lebenslaute 
Planning Group 2015 and the editors of this newsletter

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