UI is scaled down

Thorsten Wißmann edu at thorsten-wissmann.de
Mon Dec 6 09:00:42 CET 2021

Hi famubu,

I think all answers should be in the arch-wiki page for HiDPI in the
wiki. I don't recommend using --scale to xrandr.

If you use plain hlwm (e.g. from your .xinitrc), you should simply set
all the environment options available to fix the DPI. I assume that
there is a system wide setting of hidpi created by the installer. So
probably, the best way to solve is to look through your X11
configuration in


and the default profile files in


to see whether there are any options regarding dpi.

hlwm itself does not do anything about the DPI setting: it just takes
what X11 is offering.


On Mon, Dec 06, 2021, at 06:56 (+0000), famubu at rawtext.club wrote:
> Hi. I recently got a Lenovo thinkpad E series laptop and wanted to use
> hlwm with it.
> The entire display, right from the command line accessible from BIOS to
> the font-size in terminals, is a bit too tiny.
> Does this have something to do with HiDPI displays or something? I don't
> even know if my display is of that kind (resolution is 1080). Just
> thought it was a a possibility after seeing [this post][1] in arch wiki.
> I'm using debian 11 though.
> I tried xfce and after setting 'Custom DPI' option to 144 from 96, it
> was scaled up okay.  Also tried cinnamon but same issue there.
> How can we get a similar thing with hlwm? Have anyone faced a similar
> issue before?
> I tried using `xrandr` like
> ```
> xrandr --output eDP1 --scale 0.9x0.9
> ```
> But that results in reduced clarity and some part of the screen being invisible.
> I fiddled around with ~/.Xresources and did
> ```
> xterm*faceName: Monospace
> xterm*faceSize: 11
> ```
> and terminal font size became readable again. But the UI itself is
> still scaled down.
> Tried setting `Xft.dpi: 144` in ~./Xresources too.
> Even browsers (like firefox, qutebrowser) and file explorers (thunar)
> have their UI in such a way that it appears scaled down.
> [1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HiDPI
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