UI is scaled down

famubu at rawtext.club famubu at rawtext.club
Mon Dec 6 07:56:34 CET 2021

Hi. I recently got a Lenovo thinkpad E series laptop and wanted to use
hlwm with it.

The entire display, right from the command line accessible from BIOS to
the font-size in terminals, is a bit too tiny.

Does this have something to do with HiDPI displays or something? I don't
even know if my display is of that kind (resolution is 1080). Just
thought it was a a possibility after seeing [this post][1] in arch wiki.
I'm using debian 11 though.

I tried xfce and after setting 'Custom DPI' option to 144 from 96, it
was scaled up okay.  Also tried cinnamon but same issue there.

How can we get a similar thing with hlwm? Have anyone faced a similar
issue before?

I tried using `xrandr` like

xrandr --output eDP1 --scale 0.9x0.9

But that results in reduced clarity and some part of the screen being invisible.

I fiddled around with ~/.Xresources and did

xterm*faceName: Monospace
xterm*faceSize: 11

and terminal font size became readable again. But the UI itself is
still scaled down.

Tried setting `Xft.dpi: 144` in ~./Xresources too.

Even browsers (like firefox, qutebrowser) and file explorers (thunar)
have their UI in such a way that it appears scaled down.

[1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HiDPI

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