[Grundeinkommen-Info] BIEN NewsFlash 41, September 2006

Yannick Vanderborght vanderborght at fusl.ac.be
Mi Okt 4 14:41:52 CEST 2006

BIEN - Basic Income Earth Network - NEWSFLASH 41, September 2006
The Basic Income Earth Network was founded in 1986 as the Basic Income 
European Network. It expanded its scope from Europe to the Earth in 2004. 
It serves as a link between individuals and groups committed to or 
interested in basic income, and fosters informed discussion on this topic 
throughout the world.

The present NewsFlash has been prepared with the help of Paul Nollen, David 
Casassas, Sascha Liebermann, Ingrid van Niekerk, Eri Noguchi, Philippe Van 
Parijs, and Karl Widerquist.
This NewsFlash can be downloaded as PDF file on our website www.basicincome.org


1. Editorial: Regional Networks

2. BIEN 11th CONGRESS: 2-4 November 2006, Cape Town (SA)

3. Events
*RIO DE JANEIRO (BR), 4-6 September 2006: International Seminar on 
Development and Vulnerability
*CORDOBA (ES), 13-15 October 2006: 5th International Conference on 
Exclusion and Human Rights.
*VALLADOLID (ES), 18-20 October 2006: International Congress on Human Rights.
*LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (BE), 22 November 2006: Workshop "Is an Unconditional 
Basic Income Fair to Women ?"
*SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (ES), 30 November - 1 December 2006: VI Symposium 
of Red Renta Básica
*NEW YORK CITY (US), 23-25 February 2007: Sixth Annual USBIG Congress
*NEW YORK CITY (US), 6-8 May 2007: The basic income guarantee in 
international perspective

4. Glimpses of national debates
*Ireland: basic income network attracts media attention
*European Union: Spanish Euro MP supports basic income study
*Namibia: International Monetary Fund criticizes basic income proposal

6. Publications

7. New Links

8. About the Basic Income Earth Network

1. EDITORIAL: BIEN's Regional Networks

At the last executive meeting of BIEN in Philadelphia this year, the 
Regional Co-ordinators, Eri Noguchi and Ingrid van Niekerk, were tasked 
with doing an assessment of the state of basic income in the BIEN networks 
and to update information on them. A form has been designed to this effect, 
and can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Eri Noguchi, Regional 
Co-ordinator (en16 at columbia.edu). All networks are asked to complete the 
form as soon as possible and return it to BIEN and <research at epri.org.za> 
before 20 October. In particular we hope that you will give some thought to 
the issue of how BIEN can help your organisation/network be more effective. 
This information will be used to draw up a report to be presented at the 
BIEN CONGRESS in November.

On behalf of BIEN's Executive Commitee,
Ingrid van Niekerk and Eri Noguchi

2. BIEN 11th CONGRESS: 2-4 November 2006, Cape Town (SA) (www.epri.org.za)

News from Ingrid van Niekerk, Congress organizer

Work on the Congress is going well. A wide range of countries are 
represented in the proposals sent in. There are ten European countries 
represented and the countries with the most proposals sent in are Namibia, 
USA, Brazil and of course South Africa. For those of you who may have 
thought that a trip to South Africa was too expensive a few months ago, 
please note that the rand/dollar exchange rate currently stands at R7.67 to 
the dollar. I think the exchange rate is definitely working in our favour. 
Also, despite the fact that Archbishop Emeritus Tutu will be on his round 
the world birthday celebration trip, he has offered to make a video 
presentation to the Congress. In addition, I have received several emails 
to extend the deadline as some members are still trying to raise funds for 
the trip to Cape Town, while others are still working on their papers. It 
seems that for many in the north this is a very difficult time of the 
academic year and I applaud all those who have managed to re-arrange their 
schedules to come to the first Basic Income Earth Network Congress hosted 
in the South. We also commend Senator Eduardo Suplicy and others who made 
time to send in their proposals despite their busy schedule and wish them 
all the best of luck in the forthcoming Brazilian elections. Because this 
is the first time that the BIEN Congress has been held outside of Europe 
with all its additional difficulties, we have decided to extend the final 
deadline. We would be happy to receive proposals, papers and registrations 
until 15 October. Papers received by this date will still be eligible for 
the Basic Income Studies Prize. The programme for the Congress will be 
posted on the website www.epri.org.za by 9 October. On a lighter note, Cape 
Town is warm and sunny in November as it is late Spring early Summer with 
temperatures ranging from 14 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius and the beaches 
are not yet crowded. We look forward to seeing you all in Cape Town November.

Warm regards,
Ingrid van Niekerk


*RIO DE JANEIRO (BR), 4-6 September 2006: International Seminar on Poverty 
and Vulnerability

This conference on "Development and Vulnerability: Outlooks for Resuming 
Development in Southern Countries", was organized by the Instituto de 
Economia (IE) at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Some prominent 
experts on the issue of poverty in developing countries, such as Pierre 
Salama (University of Paris XIII and author of the recent book "Le Défi des 
inégalités") and Joachim Von Braun (director of the International Food 
Policy Research Institute in Washington DC), had been invited to analyze 
the situation of Brazil. The Brazilian Minister of Social Development, 
Patrus Ananias, also gave a speech on Sept. 4. Anti-poverty programmes, 
including basic income, were thoroughly discussed by one panel on Tuesday 5 
September. In her presentation Lenas Lavinas (Federal University of Rio de 
Janeiro) focused on the regressive impact of Brazil's current 
tax-and-transfer system, and argued for a reform of the "Bolsa Familia" 
scheme. Yannick Vanderborght (Facultés universitaires Saint Louis, 
Brussels), also emphasized several perverse effects of this targeted 
scheme, and argued in favour of basic income in the Brazilian context. On 
the evening of Monday 4 Sept, the Brazilian version of Van Parijs and 
Vanderborght's book on basic income was officially launched, and this event 
offered another opportunity to discuss the proposal, especially with 
enthusiastic students in economics.
For further details see for instance 
See also Vanderborght's interview in the Newspaper O'Popular: 

*CORDOBA (ES), 13-15 October 2006: 5th International Conference on 
Exclusion and Human Rights.

This conference shall be held by the Asociación "Pro Derechos Humanos de 
Andalucía" in Córdoba, Spain.
The organisers of this event state that “it is essential for an Association 
that is fighting for the defence of human rights to analyse the mechanisms 
that generate and perpetuate the situations of poverty and social exclusion 
in today’s societies. In view of the daily drama of millions of people 
starving, being forced to abandon their places because of wars and 
suffering the effects of certain supposed models of development, it is 
necessary, more than ever, a claim for an effective consideration of the 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.
Speakers will include, among others, Federico Mayor Zaragoza (former 
President of UNESCO) and Daniel Raventós (Universitat de Barcelona and 
President of Red Renta Básica), who will give a lecture on the scope of 
Basic Income with regard to the problems that will be raised during the 
For further information, contact cordoba at apdha.org

*VALLADOLID (ES), 18-20 October 2006: International Congress on Human Rights.

The International Congress on Human Rights shall be held by the Instituto 
Internacional de Historia Simancas (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain).
Speakers will include (among others): Gregorio Peces-Barba (Universidad 
Carlos III, Madrid), Carole Pateman (School of European Studies, Cardiff 
University), Javier de Lucas (Universidad de Valencia), Michael Walzer 
(Princeton University), and Daniel Raventós (Universitat de Barcelona), who 
will give a talk on “Citizen’s Basic Income as a Right to Social Existence”.
For further information: http://www3.uva.es/simancas/actividad2-2006.htm

*LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (BE), 22 November 2006, Workshop: "Is an Unconditional 
Basic Income Fair to Women ?"

This workshop will be held at the Hoover Chair for Economic and Social 
Ethics at the University of Louvain (22 November 2006, 14-17.30, 3 Place 
Montesquieu, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Dupriez 305, Salle Vives).
Discussions will be based on a paper presented by Julieta ELGARTE 
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata & UCLouvain, Chaire Hoover). Other 
participants include Pascale VIELLE (UCLouvain, Faculté de droit), Yannick 
VANDERBORGHT (Facultés universitaires Saint Louis, Brussels & UCLouvain, 
Chaire Hoover), David CASASSAS (Universitat de Barcelona & UCLouvain, 
Chaire Hoover), and Philippe VAN PARIJS (UCLouvain, Chaire Hoover).
All available evidence suggests that the greater freedom the basic income 
would give for reducing or interrupting paid work would be exercised to a 
significantly greater extent by women than by men. This could largely 
offset the redistribution of income generated by the introduction of such a 
scheme. More seriously perhaps, it might end up strengthening the division 
of labour between genders, weakening women's commitment to the labour 
market, increasing their vulnerability to the circumstances of life and 
their dependence on men.
If this is true, would it mean that a basic income, all things considered, 
would be unjust? Could accompanying measures prevent these consequences? Do 
alternative ways of strengthening women's position, such as a "homemaker's 
wage", collectively funded full-time childcare or strict enforcement of 
equal pay for equal work, offer better prospects for making our social and 
economic system fairer to women?
Registration free of charge but obligatory no later than 15 November by 
mail to Thérèse Davio, <davio at etes.ucl.ac.be>. For further information: 

*SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (ES), 30 November - 1 December 2006: VI Symposium 
of Red Renta Básica

The 6th Symposium of Red Renta Básica, Spain’s official network of BIEN, 
will be held at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of 
Santiago de Compostela on Thursday November 30 and Friday December 1, 2006. 
The provisional programme includes roundtables on “20 Years Arguing for 
Basic Income: Philosophical Assessment and Persepectives”; “20 Years 
Arguing for Basic Income: Political Assessment and Persepectives", and 
“Basic Income Assessed by Galician Social Actors”. Speakers will include 
Antoni Domènech (Universitat de Barcelona), Ramón Máiz (Universidad de 
Santiago), David Casassas (Université catholique de Louvain), María José 
Añón (Universitat de València), José Antonio Noguera (Universitat Autònoma 
de Barcelona), José Luis Rey (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Luis 
Moreno (CSIC – Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Rubén Lo 
Vuolo (CIEPP – Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas 
Públicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Daniel Raventós (Universitat de 
Barcelona), Imanol Zubero (Universidad del País Vasco), Ricard Gomà 
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), and Sara Berbel (Institut Català de la 
For further information, see www.redrentabasica.org

*NEW YORK CITY (US), 23-25 February 2007: Sixth Annual USBIG Congress

The USBIG Network will hold its Sixth Annual Congress in conjunction with 
the Eastern Economics Association Meeting, February 23-25, 2007, at the 
Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan Hotel in New York City.
Featured speakers include Dalton Conley, Stanley Aronowitz, William 
DiFazio, and co-chair of BIEN Eduardo Suplicy. Dalton Conley is the 
director of the Center for Advanced Social Science Research and professor 
of sociology and public policy at New York University, and he is the author 
of "Honky, Being Black­Living in the Red", and "the Starting Gate". Stanley 
Aronowitz is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the City University 
of New York and author or editor of twenty three books including, "Just 
Around Corner", "How Class Works", "The Last Good Job in America", and "The 
Jobless Future". William DiFazio is Professor of Sociology at St. John’s 
University. He is the author of "Longshoremen: Community and Resistance on 
the Brooklyn Waterfront" and co-author of "The Jobless Future". His most 
recent book, "Ordinary Poverty", presents the results of welfare 
reform­from ending entitlements to diminished welfare benefits­through the 
eyes and voices of those who were most directly affected by it.
Scholars, activists, and others are invited to attend, to propose papers & 
presentations, and to organize panel discussions. Proposals are welcome on 
topics relating to the Basic Income Guarantee or to the current state of 
poverty and inequality. Suggested topics include but are not limited to the 
financing of BIG; the history of BIG; gender, family, and labor market 
issues of BIG; rights and responsibilities relating to BIG; strategies from 
implementing BIG; and empirical issues of BIG, and of poverty including 
cost estimates. The purpose of the conference is discussion, and all points 
of view are welcome. The USBIG Congress is entirely autonomous in content 
and submissions are welcome in any academic discipline and from non-academics.

Deadline for Submissions: Oct 27, 2006. Further details on http://ww.usbig.net

*NEW YORK CITY (US), 6-8 May 2007: The basic income guarantee in 
international perspective

Within the framework of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 
Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University (New York City), 
Richard Caputo organizes a session on “The basic income guarantee in 
international perspective” . The Conference is scheduled for 6-8 May 2007 
at the Sheraton New York . Interested persons should contact Richard Caputo 
at <caputo at yu.edu>
An official call for papers has been released, and can be downloaded at 


*IRELAND: Sinn Féin advocates basic pension

On August 21, 2006, Sinn Féin Employment and Workers Rights spokesperson 
Arthur Morgan TD, commenting on figures published by financial institution 
Irish Life that three quarters of Irish women have no pension coverage, 
said that the figures once again demonstrated that the Government’s pension 
policy is failing women in particular. Morgan further argued that “private 
pensions are not the solution” and called for the introduction of “a 
universal ‘basic-income’ pension funded out of the general taxation system 
for all those of retirement age” to ensure economic independence for older 
For further information: http://www.sinnfein.ie/news/detail/15602

*EUROPEAN UNION: Spanish Euro MP supports basic income study

The President of the “Committee on Petitions” of the European Parliament, 
Marcin Libicki, approved on June 2006 the processing of a proposal to study 
the viability of a Basic Income sent by the association "Arenci" (León, 
Spain) with the support of Spanish socialist representative at the European 
Parliament Elena Valenciano. As it is stressed in the text approved by the 
“Committee on Petitions”, the proposal will be considered “because the 
issues that are raised fit in the list of tasks the European Union is 
responsible for”. This proposal considers a Basic Income of 421 euros per 
month, to be paid with consumption tax revenues. Elena Valenciano hopes 
that, as a result of this proposal, the European Parliament will issue a 
report on Basic Income.
For more information, contact <mailto:arenci at hotmail.com>arenci at hotmail.com.

*NAMIBIA: International Monetary Fund criticizes basic income proposal

In its recent "Country Report" on Namibia (No. 06/153 April 2006), the 
International Monetary Fund indicates that the recent proposal to introduce 
a Basic Income Grant (BIG) providing a monthly cash grant to all Namibians 
below 60 years old would be very costly and may jeopardize macroeconomic 
stability. The current estimate suggests that the cost of such a grant 
would be close to 5 percent of GDP. While it would reduce poverty, the 
likely effect on income distribution is debatable, the IMF says.
According to the fund, the implementation of a well-targeted conditional 
cash grant could be more effective in reducing poverty and improving income 
distribution over time. A targeted transfer would be significantly less 
costly and impinge less on macroeconomic stability. Furthermore, a 
conditional transfer could be directly linked to the achievement of lagging 
Millennium Development Goals (MDG) indicators, hereby addressing both 
current and future poverty.
The report can be downloaded at http://www.imf.org/



WERNER, Götz W. (2006), Ein Grund für die Zukunft. Das Grundeinkommen, 
Stuttgart: Verlag freies Geistesleben, ISBN 3772517897

Götz W. Werner is the founder and CEO of the drugstore chain DM, which 
employs 23.000 people, and part-time professor of entrepreneurship at the 
University of Karlsruhe. He advocates the introduction of a basic income in 
Germany. This new book entitled "A Reason for the Future: the Basic Income" 
includes selected articles by and interviews with Werner, published in 
several newspapers and magazines. They all refer to the debates about 
reforms of the welfare state in Germany. The book also includes articles by 
Wolf Lotter (Journalist, Brandeins), Benediktus Hardorp (chartered 
accountant), Thomas Straubhaar (Scientific Director of the Hamburg 
Institute of International Economics (HWWI)), and Sascha Liebermann 
(Initiative "Freedom, not Full Employment").
Publisher's website: http://www.geistesleben.com/
For further information on Götz Werner's ideas and campaign see 
http://www.unternimm-die-zukunft.de/ or get in touch with André Presse 
<andre.presse at iep.uni-karlsruhe.de>


CASASSAS, David (2005): “Sociologías de la elección y nociones de libertad: 
la Renta Básica como proyecto republicano para sociedades de mercado”, 
Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política, Num. 33, pp. 235-248. 
[“Sociologies of Choice and Notions of Freedom: Basic Income as a 
Republican Project for Market Societies”].

The making of social policies depends on a particular description of social 
life. Its specification is something necessary when it comes to give a 
conscious political direction to all mechanisms and institutional devices 
that make up social policy as a whole. The way contemporary political 
philosophy has approached the proposal of a Basic Income constitutes an 
especially revealing example of this question. In this paper David Casassas 
(Barcelona & Louvain) presents, first, the conceptual framework and the 
analysis of social life from which republican tradition has tackled its 
controversial notions of freedom and neutrality. Second, he compares the 
perspective of republican freedom with the notion of freedom that operates 
within the framework of Philippe Van Parijs’ real freedom perspective, 
which upholds a criterion of justice stating that a free society is that in 
which the number of options at the most disadvantaged person disposal is 
the greatest. Third, the author defends an approach to Basic Income 
requiring a categorization of options so as to give priority to those 
options that, even being – maybe – of less importance in numerical terms, 
confer individuals greater guarantee of security in the definition and 
development of their own life plans, that is, that ensure the absence of 
arbitrary interference by others. In that way, Casassas proposes, in 
keeping with the republican tradition, a normative approach to Basic Income 
in which it is assumed that those entities that are to be considered free – 
or unfree – are not decisions themselves, but socio-institutionally 
embodied individuals facing the task of making them. He finally shows the 
outcome of the bringing into play of the republican perspective when it 
comes to politically – institutionally - design the implementation of Basic 
Income in the context of the market societies we are living in.
Author's address: "David Casassas" <dcasassas at ub.edu>


MASTERSON, Thomas (2006), Economic Alternatives: Basic Income Guarantee, 
Econ-Atrocities, June 14.
A short overview of the American basic income debate, published by the 
"Center for popular economics".

MARSHALL, Jennifer A., LERMAN, Robert, DAFOE WHITEHEAD Barbara & al. 
(2006), The Collapse of Marriage and the Rise of Welfare Dependence, 
Heritage Lectures, issue 959, August 15, 2006 (published by the Heritage 
A transcription of a panel discussion that took place in May 2006. Part of 
the discussion was devoted to the negative income tax proposals made by 
Senator Daniel P. Moynihan during the 1960s.
http://www.heritage.org/Research/Welfare/hl959.cfm (HTML)
http://www.heritage.org/Research/Welfare/upload/hl_959.pdf (PDF)

A Swiss blog on basic income: http://www.care2.com/c2c/share/detail/185168

In July 2006 the President of the State of Thuringen, Dieter Althaus (CDU), 
has advocated the introduction of an unconditional citizen's income of 800 
euro for everyone in Germany (see NewsFlash 40). A short paper on the topic 
has been posted on http://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/3242712.html

A short article on basic income, that mentions BIEN and Basic Income Studies.


Eduardo SUPLICY, Federal Senator, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Guy STANDING, Professor of Economic Security, University of Bath, and 
Professor of Labour Economics, Monash University

Further details about BIEN's Executive Committee and International Board 
can be found on <http://www.basicincome.org/>our website, as well as 
further details about the 
National Networks.


All life members of the Basic Income European Network, many of whom were 
non-Europeans, have automatically become life members of the Basic Income 
Earth Network.
To join them, just send your name and address (postal and electronic) to 
David Casassas  <dcasassas at ub.edu> Secretary of BIEN, and transfer EUR 100 
to BIEN's account 001 2204356 10 at FORTIS BANK (IBAN: BE41 0012 2043 
5610), 10 Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium. An acknowledgement 
will be sent upon receipt.
BIEN Life-members can become “B(I)ENEFACTORS” by giving another 100 Euros 
or more to the Network. The funds collected will facilitate the 
participation of promising BI advocates coming from developing countries or 
from disadvantaged groups.

Joel Handler (US), Philippe Van Parijs (BE), Helmut Pelzer (DE), Guy 
Standing (UK), Eduardo Suplicy (BR)

BIEN's Life Members:

James Meade (+), Gunnar Adler-Karlsson (SE), Maria Ozanira da Silva (BR), 
Ronald Dore (UK), Alexander de Roo (NL), Edouard Dommen (CH), Philippe Van 
Parijs (BE), P.J. Verberne (NL), Tony Walter (UK), Philippe Grosjean (BE), 
Malcolm Torry (UK), Wouter van Ginneken (CH), Andrew Williams (UK), Roland 
Duchâtelet (BE), Manfred Fuellsack (AT), Anne-Marie Prieels (BE), Philippe 
Desguin (BE), Joel Handler (US), Sally Lerner (CA), David Macarov (IL), 
Paul Metz (NL), Claus Offe (DE), Guy Standing (UK), Hillel Steiner (UK), 
Werner Govaerts (BE), Robley George (US), Yoland Bresson (FR), Richard 
Hauser (DE), Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy (BR), Jan-Otto Andersson (FI), 
Ingrid Robeyns (UK), John Baker (IE), Rolf Kuettel (CH), Michael Murray 
(US), Carlos Farinha Rodrigues (PT), Yann Moulier Boutang (FR), Joachim 
Mitschke (DE), Rik van Berkel (NL), François Blais (CA), Katrin Töns (DE), 
Almaz Zelleke (US), Gerard Degrez (BE), Michael Opielka (DE), Lena Lavinas 
(BR), Julien Dubouchet (CH), Jeanne Hrdina (CH), Joseph Huber (DE), Markku 
Ikkala (FI),  Luis Moreno (ES), Rafael Pinilla (ES), Graham Taylor (UK), W. 
Robert Needham (CA), Tom Borsen Hansen (DK), Ian Murray (US), Peter 
Molgaard Nielsen (DK), Fernanda Rodrigues (PT), Helmut Pelzer (DE), Rod 
Dobell (CA), Walter Van Trier (BE), Loek Groot (NL), Andrea Fumagalli (IT), 
Bernard Berteloot (FR), Jean-Pierre Mon (FR), Angelika Krebs (DE), Ahmet 
Insel (FR), Alberto Barbeito (AR), Rubén Lo Vuolo (AR), Manos Matsaganis 
(GR), Jose Iglesias Fernandez (ES), Daniel Eichler (DE), Cristovam Buarque 
(BR), Michael Lewis (US), Clive Lord (UK), Jean Morier-Genoud (FR), Eri 
Noguchi (US), Michael Samson (ZA), Ingrid van Niekerk (ZA), Karl Widerquist 
(US), Al Sheahen (US), Christopher Balfour (UK), Jurgen De Wispelaere (UK), 
Wolf-Dieter Just (DE), Zsuzsa Ferge (HU), Paul Friesen (CA), Nicolas 
Bourgeon (FR), Marja A. Pijl (NL), Matthias Spielkamp (DE), Frédéric 
Jourdin (FR), Daniel Raventós (ES), Andrés Hernández (CO), Guido Erreygers 
(BE), Alain Tonnet (BE), Stephen C. Clark (US), Wolfgang Mundstein (AT), 
Evert Voogd (NL), Frank Thompson (US), Lieselotte Wohlgenannt (AT), Jose 
Luis Rey Pérez (ES), Jose Antonio Noguera (ES), Esther Brunner (CH), Irv 
Garfinkel (US), Claude Macquet (BE), Bernard Guibert (FR), Margit Appel 
(AT), Simo Aho (FI), Francisco Ramos Martin (ES), Brigid Reynolds (IE), 
Sean Healy (IE), Maire Mullarney (IE), Patrick Lovesse (CH), Jean-Paul 
Zoyem (FR), GianCarlo Moiso (IT), Martino Rossi (CH), Pierre Herold (CH), 
Steven Shafarman (US), Leonardo Fernando Cruz Basso (BR), Wolfgang 
Strenmann-Kuhn (DE), Anne Glenda Miller (UK), Lowell Manning (NZ), Dimitris 
Ballas (GR), Gilberte Ferrière (BE), Louise Haagh (DK), Michael Howard 
(US), Simon Wigley (TR), Erik Christensen (DK), David Casassas (ES), Paul 
Nollen (BE), Vriend(inn)en Basisinkomen (NL), Christophe Guené (BE), Alain 
Massot (CA), Marcel Bertrand Paradis (CA), NN (Geneve, CH), Marc 
Vandenberghe (BE), Gianluca Busilacchi (IT), Robert F. Clark (US), Theresa 
Funiciello (US), Al Boag & Sue Williams (AU), Josef Meyer (BE), Alain Boyer 
(CH), Jos Janssen (NL), Collectif Charles Fourier (+), Bruce Ackerman (US), 
Victor Lau (CA), Konstantinos Geormas (GR), Pierre Feray (FR), Christian 
Brütsch (CH), Phil Harvey (US), Toru Yamamori (JP), René Keersemaker (NL), 
Manuel Franzmann (DE), Ovidio Carlos de Brito (BR), Bernard De Crum (NL), 
Katja Kipping (DE), Jan Beaufort (DE), Christopher Mueller (DE), Bradley 
Nelson (US), Marc de Basquiat (FR), James Robertson (UK), Infoxoa Rivista 
(IT), Eric Patry (CH), Vianney Angles (FR), Isabel Ortiz (US), Bert 
Penninckx, Martine Waltho (UK) [164].

BIEN's NewsFlash is mailed electronically every two months to over 1000 
subscribers throughout the world.
Requests for free subscription are to be sent to bien at basicincome.org
Items for inclusion or review in future NewsFlashes are to be sent to 
Yannick Vanderborght, newsletter editor, UCL, Chaire Hoover, 3 Place 
Montesquieu, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, vanderborght at etes.ucl.ac.be
The items included in BIEN NewsFlashes are not protected by any copyright. 
They can be reproduced and translated at will. But if you use them, please 
mention the existence and address of the Basic Income Earth Network 
(including its web site www.basisincome.org) and the exact references of 
the events or publications concerned. Thank you.  

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