[fome] DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Abstract at Annual Conference - From Fragmentation to Participation

Hazrat Bahar bahar at iuj.ac.jp
Fr Jul 19 12:08:53 CEST 2024

Dear Madam and Sir,

*Deadline extended!*

We, EC4SC at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies of Leipzig
University, warmly invite you to submit your abstract to the conference “From
Fragmentation to Participation: Diaspora Communication in Germany Interfaces
between Research and Practice.” This conference focuses on communication
from, within and between diasporas in Germany.

*Date: October 4th and 5th, 2024*
Venue: Leipzig University

For the l*atest and important update* regarding the conference and topics,
please click here: https://transfertage-ec4sc.de

Abstracts shall be between 400-500 words and should be submitted u*ntil 31

The best papers from the conference will also be published. This is a
unique opportunity for your work to be recognized and shared in
collaboration with a prestigious science journal or as a stand-alone

P.S. In our previous email, we mistakenly wrote the event’s month as
December instead of October. Sorry about that.

Best regards,

Hazrat Bahar

Email: hazrat.bahar at uni-leipzig.de
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Centre Development Communication - Communication for Social
Change (EC4SC)
University of Leipzig
Institute for Communication and Media Studies
Nikolaistrasse 27-29, 04109 Leipzig
Rooms 2.23 and 2.25
Website: https://www.sozphil.uni-leipzig.de/entwicklungskommunikation and
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