[fome] Evaluation DW Akademie | Film Industries

Dr. Dennis Reineck dennis.reineck at dw.com
Mi Jul 10 13:16:47 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

DW Akademie is calling for proposals for the evaluation of the impact film project line in its Film Industry media development programme, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Interested and qualified persons are kindly requested to send in their proposals.

Evaluation proposals should be submitted in electronic form only to Ute Hiltgefort (ute.hiltgefort at dw.com<mailto:ute.hiltgefort at dw.com>), cc'ing Maria Roman-Gomez (maria.roman-gomez at dw.com<mailto:maria.roman-gomez at dw.com>). The deadline is July 25, 2024. Contractors will be selected by August 16, 2024. The evaluation will start on September 1, 2024. The evaluation report has to be finalized by mid-March 2025.

You can find further details in the attached Call for Proposals.

We look forward to receiving your proposals.

Best wishes,
Dennis Reineck

Dr. Dennis Reineck
Senior Consultant
Research and Evaluation

DW (Deutsche Welle) | Voltastr. 6 | 13355 Berlin | Germany
T +49.30.4646.8546<tel:+493046468546> | dennis.reineck at dw.com<mailto:dennis.reineck at dw.com>

[cid:image001.png at 01DAD2CB.51CE9CA0]<https://www.dw.com/en/dw-akademie/about-us/s-9519>

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