[fome] Media Viability Manifesto: Theory of Change Validation Workshop - Join Us on Feb 7th @ 3 pm CET

Dr. Laura Moore laura.moore at dw.com
Di Jan 30 17:23:28 CET 2024

Dear colleagues and partners working on Media Viability,

On behalf of the Media Viability Manifesto (MVM) initiative, we are delighted to invite you to an interactive online workshop. This event is designed to offer a platform for media viability experts and partners like yourself, to share your valuable feedback on a draft Theory of Change for media viability. This strategic framework has been collaboratively developed by 11 international media development and support organizations.

Join us for:

A Joint Strategy for Media Viability: Theory of Change Validation Workshop

Date and Time: Wednesday, February 7th, 3:00 - 5:00 pm CET

Please register here<https://forms.gle/wjvBmnR7sZDUw3Ly8> by February 5th.

Our goal in creating this shared framework is to increase the impact and effectiveness of media viability programs, by minimizing duplication and targeting activities where they are most needed. Your perspective is crucial in shaping this transformative, joint endeavor.

Highlights of the workshop include:

  *   Introduction to the MVM initiative

  *   Presentation of the draft Theory of Change for media viability

  *   Facilitated breakout sessions for constructive feedback

  *   Discussion of insights and outlining future plans for the MVM initiative

After successful registration for the event<https://forms.gle/uaRR1CBkDQZ7JoGJ6>, you will receive a synthesized version of the draft Theory of Change. It would be great if you would have the chance to review that ahead of the event. Further information about the MVM initiative is provided below.

We really hope that you can join us to share your expertise, provide critical feedback, and engage in an insightful discussion.

Looking forward to the opportunity to connect with all of you.

Warm regards,

Laura Moore on behalf of the MVM initiative


A joint strategy for media development

During an in-person workshop of the MVM initiative in November 2023, representatives of DW Akademie<https://akademie.dw.com/en/home/s-9519>, International Media Support<https://www.mediasupport.org/>, Free Press Unlimited<https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en>, UNESCO<https://www.unesco.org/en>, BBC Media Action<https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction/>, Sembra Media<https://www.sembramedia.org/>, Center for International Media Assistance<https://www.cima.ned.org/>, Internews<https://internews.org/>, FT Strategies<https://www.ftstrategies.com/en-gb/>, Fondation Hirondelle<https://www.hirondelle.org/fr/> and IREX<https://www.irex.org/> collaboratively developed a Theory of Change for media viability. This shared vision aims to prevent duplication, increase impact, and enhance the effectiveness of media viability programs, focusing on areas where they are most needed.

The draft Theory of Change will undergo external validation in an online workshop<https://forms.gle/uaRR1CBkDQZ7JoGJ6> on February 7th at 3 pm CET. Once finalized, the Theory of Change will be published as part of the Media Viability Manifesto.

About the Media Viability Manifesto (MVM) initiative

Actors in the field of media viability have come together in a pioneering multi-stakeholder initiative to improve the sustainability of independent public interest media. Through a collaborative process involving practitioners in the field, the MVM initiative seeks to foster conceptual clarity, strategic collaboration, and coordinated implementation for the media development community.

The Media Viability Manifesto will provide a comprehensive resource that is currently being developed in a multi-stage process, involving a comprehensive mapping of existing media viability tools and approaches, a media viability survey, co-creation workshops, and validation by external stakeholders. The final Media Viability Manifesto is expected to be published in May 2024.

What is at stake?

The Media Viability Manifesto initiative is gaining momentum at a time when different stakeholders invested in media viability are looking to unite their efforts to confront a multifaceted crisis in journalism. Traditional media business models have collapsed, and donor funding is rarely long term. Without sustainable resources, public interest media simply cannot deliver and sustain their operations. The efforts of the international media development community have been historically fragmented, lacking precise definitions and coordinated strategies to address the challenge. The MVM initiative seeks to address these challenges, promoting meaningful impact and systemic change.

The purpose is not merely to protect independent media outlets as businesses but, more importantly, to safeguard democracy on a global scale.

We hop to see you on Feb. 7th.

All the best,

Dr. Laura Moore
Head of Research and Evaluation
Research and Evaluation | Policy and Learning

DW (Deutsche Welle) | Voltastr. 6 | 13355 Berlin | Germany
T +49.30.4646.8518<tel:+493046468518> | M +49.15201882083<tel:+4915201882083> | laura.moore at dw.com

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