[FoME] Call for Proposals | Evaluation of DW Akademie's program "International Media Studies"

Dr. Laura Moore laura.moore at dw.com
Mi Mär 22 13:10:46 CET 2023

Apply now: Evaluation of DW Akademie's program "International Media Studies"

Dear colleagues of the FoME list,

DW Akademie is calling for bids for the evaluation of its Master's degree program "International Media Studies". The global program provides academic training for media professionals that meets international standards and is completed in partner countries in order to strengthen the graduates' ability to connect with the domestic job market.

The program is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Interested and qualified evaluators are kindly requested to send in their proposals. Evaluation proposals should be submitted in electronic form only to Laura Moore (laura.moore at dw.com), cc’ing Andrea Gellert (andrea.gellert at dw.com) and Anja Weber (anja.weber at dw.com).

Deadline for submission of proposals is April 23, 2023.

Contractors will be selected by April 28, 2023.
The evaluation will start on July 3, 2023. The evaluation report has to be finalized by mid-December 2023.

Please find further details in the call for proposals (download section):

Best wishes,

Dr. Laura Moore
Head of Research and Evaluation
Research and Evaluation | Policy and Learning

DW (Deutsche Welle) | Voltastr. 6 | 13355 Berlin | Germany
T +49.30.4646.8518<tel:+493046468518> | M +49.15201882083<tel:+4915201882083> | laura.moore at dw.com

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